View Full Version : Fell on my tailbone Help

08-11-13, 14:37
Hi guys I fell backwards earlier missing my chair and bam straight onto my
Coccyx well I can say I've never ever felt that much pain in my life, we were having lunch outside and I fell on the cobbled
Floor ( ouch :blush:) anyway I felt really really cold sweaty and clammy as if I was about to pass out my husband immediately gave me some water to pour on my face and neck and I felt a little better, but that feeling has scared me being a massive HA sufferer I'm now panicking as to why I felt so strange, Is it because of the intense pain? Was my body in shock?
I'm home now resting with a rather sore tailbone, I'm not going to DR Google it
So I'm asking you lovelies first what you think may have happened there as I'm now thinking I've broken my tail bone or something worse is happening ( as usual)
Thanks in advance !

08-11-13, 14:45
Ouch!! You poor thing, Earthmum.

It does sound exactly like shock to me. I had the same feeling when I fell downstairs and broke my toe....immediately cold sweaty and like I was going to either faint or vomit.

Please try not to worry about it, as it is a normal reaction to a big shock. You must be really sore hun, and I hope you feel better soon. xxx:hugs:

08-11-13, 14:54
Hi EMum,

OUCH! I know that hurts like the dickens for sure. I'm also sure your reaction was from the pain. It's a shock to the system for sure.

A bump to the tail bone is one of the more painful injuries to get as well as one of the most embarrassing ;) Falling on your bum is never graceful is it? Keep in mind, depending on how hard or severe the bruise is, this injury may persist for some time (upwards of a month or more).

Ice for the 1st 48 hours (about 20 minutes every hour to reduce swelling). Have a donut cushion to sit on and rest are the ticket. An OTC pain reliever like Tylenol or ibuprofen can help with discomfort. It may be prudent to see your doctor to be on the safe side. Feel better soon!

08-11-13, 15:00
Thank you so much fishmanpa and debs71 yes I feel it could of been a combination of both shock and the fact that it hurt soo much!
I heard that even if you was to break a tailbone there is nothing really that can be done, I will wait and see how I feel in the next couple of days if there's no improvement I will go visit my GP thank you again you both have made me feel lots better!!

08-11-13, 16:04
the last time I did it I hurt like mad for weeks afterward, nothing that OTC pain medication couldnt sort.

08-11-13, 16:28
Thanks Elen!
I hope the pain eases over the weeks though as this is pretty intense!

08-11-13, 16:31
lol you might be luckier than me, I slipped on a wet floor and nearly knocked myself out. I noticed it most when trying to run.

08-11-13, 16:42
Oh my god! I actually felt like I was going to pass out and had to pour water over my face was not a very cool look in a restaurant believe me !:blush: