View Full Version : Muscle tension

08-11-13, 16:32
In February I started to feel faint all the time and lightheaded which would set a panic attack off, and I would lay on my side on my phone to take my mind off it then I started CBT which was helping a bit then I had a huge set back and I stared to walk off balance and whenever I walk outside I feel like I need to hold on to something and that my body is pulling me to walk to the right,(I always lay on my right side) so I avoid going out now. Can the cause of this be all the tension in my head/neck? Because I'm so stressed out and anxious all the time. It's really getting me down that I will never be able to walk properly again.

09-11-13, 10:01
I went through this last year, I had a mild bit of dizziness because of some ear trouble and because of anxiety I started to panic and the dizziness therefore felt worse, I felt the same like I was veering to the right and had to hold onto something. I got nervous about going out even to the local shop. Lasted about a month or so, having to be with someone until I realised I was fine round the house so what was wrong.

I walked round the garden the next day, and then the next day the alley way next to my house, walking by the wall. I realised okay I had had a bit of dizziness but my anxiety had magnified it and I had panicked at the dizziness from my ear.

Sometimes when my neck gets tense I feel a bit dizzy but now I know it's just mild, I won't fall over and I try not to focus on it.

I know it's always easier said than done but to just to let you know someone else has been there.

09-11-13, 11:09
I've had something similar. Like the ground shifts under your feet. Of course it was anxiety in my case.