View Full Version : scared by breathing and chest pains

anx mum
08-11-13, 17:49
My health anx is sky high again my breathing feels really strange like i have not got enough breath also keep getting sharp shooting pains in chest. Think ive had this breathing symptom before just wanna be well dont know how to conquer this. Anyone who can relate to this?

08-11-13, 18:17
My health anx is sky high again my breathing feels really strange like i have not got enough breath also keep getting sharp shooting pains in chest. Think ive had this breathing symptom before just wanna be well dont know how to conquer this. Anyone who can relate to this?

You actually posted about the same thing over the Summer and other times so it's definitely happened before.

"Yesterday was finding it hard to catch my breath and apart from this got a pain in my chest."

It was attributed to anxiety. While I'm sure others have experienced similar symptoms, I don't see how that will help other than affirming it's anxiety. Just like a few others are doing, seeking help from professionals, whether it's therapy, CBT, meds or a combination thereof is the way to beat the beast.

Good Luck!

09-11-13, 01:56
i have this alllll the time. constantly feel like i can't breathe or get enough air feels like im suffocating. it does my head in :(