View Full Version : low blood pressure and pulse

08-11-13, 18:53
Am in a bit of a spin now, went to docs today to see if he could adjust my meds for migraine, as been having lots of visual migraines over the last month,no headaches just the visuals for 20 mins, then am fine, but did mention to him that with my HA I was panicking that something was really wrong, he said we will up your dose of propranolol, but first check your pulse, which turndd out to be 45 ab.nd BP 110/60,I have always had low blood pressure and heart rate normally 55-60.So taken me off propranolol and upped the dose of amytryptyln, and said see how it goes for a month if no better we will organise a head scan, this has somewhat scared the pants off me, I asked if he thought these were dangerous and a sign of anything, his answer was no if your BP was high then maybe, just ruling out all possibilities. Freaking out now, which am sure will not help the situation.

08-11-13, 19:00
Actually as BP goes, lower is much better than higher for sure and a heart rate of 45, while a bit on the low side was probably due to the meds as your doctor indicated. As far as the scan statement? Sounds like he's being thorough and doing his job. Thing is, with your HA, if he hadn't mentioned follow up, you'd be worrying why not ;) Do what he says and follow up.

Good Luck!

08-11-13, 19:13
Thanks Fisnmanpa, will try and stop the stupid worrying ideas from encroaching too far.