View Full Version : Tiredness that Anxiety Brings - How Do You Cope?

08-11-13, 19:25
One of the worst things I find about anxiety is how tired and drained it leaves me feeling.

I feel shaky and weak and tired all the time despite normally getting a good 8 hours most nights.

I do drink quite a bit which might effect me slightly and I've a fast heartbeat too (yes I know they are connected :wacko:)

How do you guys get over your fatigue? Any particular things you do?

08-11-13, 20:50
Anxiety does make you feel exhausted but surprisingly exercise will help with this, even if it is just a little walk out. Drink will only make you more anxious and therefore more tired.

09-11-13, 10:19
Drop the drinking and start going for long walks (30+ min) every day or every other day. Also if you can do some basic exercises at home like pushups, situps and everything else that's easy to do at home. Exercise is the ultimate energy booster. Although It might drain you a little bit more for the first 1 - 2 weeks. Anxiety is a long term thing that you must be willing make sacrifices to beat.

Best of luck to you.

10-11-13, 20:29
I find that exercise helps a lot, I don't drink alcohol to cope anymore, it just induces 'false sleep' in my opinion and you don't actually get the rest you need. I try to stay busy until bed time so I don't feel the urge to nap...