View Full Version : Counceling isn't working

08-11-13, 21:00
I'm so sad. I'm sick of feeling like crap all the time. I've tried meds and they don't work and I have been going counseling and it is NOT working, I don't feel better and it's not very consistent at all, that's the worst thing. I feel empty until the next time. Is there anything else that isn't so pricey? I'm desperate, I've never felt this bad about myself.

08-11-13, 21:33
Can you ask for a CBT referral or you could try the online one we recommend on here called CBT4PANIC

08-11-13, 22:33
Thank you I will, I really hope it works.

09-11-13, 09:54
How long have you been going to counselling?

The first time I had anxiety I found CBT to be particularly useful, although it required effort on my own part as well which is part of the process.

I also found (after much searching and research) that meditation was far more effective than any other 'cure'.

This is one of the best resources I've found on youtube, but again it requires practice and time.


09-11-13, 14:38
I'm also interested to know How long have you been going to counselling? It can take time and while its going on, you do unfortunately feel uncomfortable and often worse than before you started. But that's because you'll be dealing with issues that really would be easier to leave, let alone face them head on.
For me, first time round CBT was the key to me breaking old and unhelpful habits & learning to stand up for myself. I used to be bullied all the time but that doesn't happen anymore. To reach that stage was very uncomfortable & I often felt like giving up on it.
I have seen a counsellor more recently. I didn't think I'd be seeing her as long as I have but there seems to be so many issues I have from my past that just need sorting. But I'm not going to give up because I am determined to see it through. I would like to leave the bad past behind & move on and that's where I'm heading.
Hopefully you'll be able to find a way to do that too.

09-11-13, 14:47
You could try CBT, psychotherapy or even hypnotherapy? When you tried the meds did you give them enough time? Did you go to counselling at the same time? I think taking meds and therapy at the same time is much more helpful than one alone, maybe you could give the meds another chance (or a different med) along with a better therapy? Wishing you well x

09-11-13, 19:14
Thanks for the replies, it's been 2 months now, nothings changed and I think I have slumped into depression, I really do think it is down the the lack of consistency . I really do.

09-11-13, 19:29
hi staygold. two months is quite early on really, or at least it is in my experience. might be worth hanging in there. how do you feel you relate to your counsellor? do you feel a bond growing at all? I have a really good bond with mind which has taken time to build. along with that has come trust which then has led to me being able to express myself better & not to fear showing emotions. I wonder how you feel about these things?