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View Full Version : terrified of tumor on spine :(

09-11-13, 07:21
I haven't been on here in a while but I have been struggling again since the summer and recently I am in anxiety overdrive!
I started to get some pelvic pain in June and it has now migrated to my lower back over my hip on the right hand side. It isn't agony but it's becoming increasingly bothersome. In the past week I have started to experience a burning sensation from my lower back all the way down my outer leg and into my foot on that side. Anyhow, I have convinced myself that I have a tumor on my spine that is compressing my nerves on that side and causing the problems. I have also considered that I may have really bad endometriosis as my sciatica flares up around my period also on the right hand side. That is hard to diagnose and treat, but at least unkike the spinal tumor it isn't fatal.
I should add that since the summer I have been almost constantly sick with colds and flu and a constant cough. This week I have tonsilitis.
I have been to several doctors who have just given me antibiotics and told me to do some exercises for my leg and back. I feel like because of my history of HA nobody will take me seriously and they will miss something really serious :(

09-11-13, 13:30
I'm not a doctor but what you describe sounds like sciatica (I have it too). The doctor recommending exercise would make sense based on that and he's correct. A disc in your back is pressing on a nerve causing the symptoms. By strengthening the muscles around the damaged area, you help support and alleviate the pressure which in turn alleviates the symptoms.

Good Luck!