View Full Version : Liver function test

09-11-13, 09:50
What are they for? Google is not your friend in these things.

I had my eldest round last night. Back in October he had a full blood woke up done (work stress) and he came back lovely and clear in all but for an elevated chemical (Kieran said it began with an 's') and that it should have been a third lower than it was.

Consequently his doctor said "I'm sending you for blood tests that are purely based around liver function". He asked Kieran how much he drank (my son is just shy of 25) and Kieran said he's been binging some on weekends. The doctor explained that it was likely the issue was related to alcohol, and that Kieran had to fully abstain for a 21 day period before having the tests. Kieran went almost four weeks, and had the tests but did drink a few days before (he drank 3 bottles of lager at someone's party.

The doctor said he's only call him if he needed to speak to him concerning the tests. Here the tests are almost immediate so after a week, ten days of nothing Kieran figured it was the drinking any as made the adjustments required (i.e. not drinking).

Then the doctor'a receptionist started calling. He had the test on October 21st so it's been a good three weeks. He turned up at mine last night, worried. I can't tell him anything because I know nothing about them - other than to offe comfort and remind him that, whatever it may be, everything else in his bloodwork was A-ok.

Anyone know what these liver tests test? I'm honestly clueless. Now whilst I don't want to speculate I wish I had a bit more knowledge so that I could offer him something more than 'try not to worry'.

Thank you in advance, and if anyone thinks I'm asking too much, I apologise in advance as well :)

*Fallen Angel*
09-11-13, 10:17
Have the Drs explained to him when they rang him? Do they want him to have more tests? I assume the tests are showing his liver is not functioning correctly- at least that is what the test is showing? The liver is the one organ able to heal itself isn't it. I think he needs more guidance from his Dr as to why he needs more tests.

Hope he's ok.

09-11-13, 10:29
No they haven't. He's just had a couple of phone calls, no messages, then a text yesterday asking him to contact his local practice at his convenience. Of course he assumes it's the liver tests. He's going to try make an appointment next week. And see ... I didn't know the liver can repair itself so here's hoping he's fine.

And thank you Angel :)

09-11-13, 11:14
It was probably the GGT reading that was high as this is usually affected by alcohol but as we don't know the readings then he is best getting in touch with them to find out.

09-11-13, 11:32
Oh god knows Nicola, but thank you. I've told him exactly that. He said it should be around 40 (whatever that means) and his was something like 65. Or it was the other way around should be 45 and he was 60. I forget.

All being well and all that.

09-11-13, 11:44
Have you seen this page:


09-11-13, 11:45
Ok it was probably the AST or ALT readings then.

09-11-13, 11:55
My sister (nurse, now a health visitor) did say to him: "Kieran if you'd pay attention to the important details I could probably tell you right now what the possible outcomes are, and save you the worry - as it is you'll have to wait until the results come back you idiot".

All he could say was "mum it was a chemical or something, it began with an 's'' ... even when they're grown up they're still a bit exasperating :)

And thank you once again Nicola - I will go have a look.

09-11-13, 13:29
I had a liver function test as part of a recent blood test, and although similarly I can't remember precisely what measure it was, I do distinctly remember her saying that the normal range was up to 40 so I imagine it is the same thing. My reading was 40 and she said although it was the upper end that really it wasn't anything to worry about, she specifically said that the figure would have to be 3 times the top end to worry them.

She also said that the figure can be affected by a whole host of things like medication which the liver metabolises. She did say we could retest in 3 months if I wanted but that she didn't really see the need.

Not sure if this helps.

09-11-13, 13:35
CP thanks for that. I think he's more wound up than usual because he's under an incredible amount of work related stress. I noticed last night, when talking to him, that he was quite detached and appeared to be a more hollow version of himself.

He's quite the positive, happy-go-lucky guy as a rule. He's certainly been the most confident of my three, that's for sure. He's also got raging insomnia (this recently came to light) and I think that, between the 14/15 hour work days and very little sleep, he's bound to be feeling the negative effects.

I think, as much as anything, he's really quite 'down'. Being his momma, I'm watching him closely. However old they get you still worry :)

09-11-13, 13:41
Being his momma, I'm watching him closely. However old they get you still worry :)

Ain't that the truth? If it were serious they wouldn't have asked him to contact the office "at his convenience". Try not to worry too much :)

09-11-13, 13:55
Ain't that the truth? If it were serious they wouldn't have asked him to contact the office "at his convenience". Try not to worry too much :)

That's what he said last night.

He's tired Fishman, real tired. He's flying out to Portugal a week today, so hopefully a week away (with my younger son) will do him the world of good :)