View Full Version : Tempting Fate

Daisy Sue
09-11-13, 11:35
So over the past few days I've been posting on here about neck pain and muscle spasms in the neck/head, plus discussing neck injury with a compensation company after a car accident last year - and guess what I've woken up with this morning?

lol. Neck pain! :(

I just wondered if anyone else seems to get these "sod's law" things too.. it's not the first time this kind of coincidence has happened to me.

09-11-13, 20:43
It's obviously a mixture of tension and thinking about it that's brought the neck pain on.

But yes, I get them from time to time.

Daisy Sue
09-11-13, 23:26
Hi Rennie, you're probably right.. I know one of my weak points is my neck, plus yesterday I was on the phone for ages whilst washing up, with the phone jammed between my ear and my shoulder... umm, I guess that could be something to do with it. lol.