View Full Version : I think I have an unusual phobia...

Orange Lightning
09-11-13, 14:34
...Of belching. Seriously. That doesn't sound normal.

I've been swallowing my belches down when I feel them happening, because I'm terrified of what happens whenever I do accidentally let a belch out. My tongue feels strange, I taste metal, my throat burns slightly, mucus in my throat makes me cough, my throat becomes tight, my nose runs and my ears feel blocked. All because of one or two little burps.

I'm utterly terrified of reflux, or carrying acid/pepsin up my throat, so I try and stop myself burping. Of course when I swallow gas back down, it always comes back up again if I so much as take a sip of (alkaline) water. Am I doing more harm than good here? What's the best way to get over my phobia? :p

09-11-13, 14:44
I can't say that I've heard of a belching phobia before, at least not from the person causing it ;) I have known the flight response activated in some upon the expulsion of gas from another.

In some societies, a good belch is a compliment to the chef. While I don't know if there are actual medical issues that can develop from retaining gas, I do know it hurts to do so from either end!

It's always been my thinking that releasing is much better than holding it in (there are some that would beg to differ I know ~lol~). Certainly, discretion is warranted in certain instances but when one can, relief is necessary and effective.

This is one phobia I would work hard to overcome if it were me.

Good luck!

09-11-13, 14:45
Orange I've seen you mention alkaline water a few times here - are you making it yourself or buying it? Have you ever considered that it might be adding to your reflux problems?

The way to get rid of this phobia is the same as any other, you've got to work on the underlying issues and anxiety.