View Full Version : Is the anxiety?

09-11-13, 17:23
I'm still struggling, I feel so ill, I feel like I've got some horrendous desease but I dunno what! I feel so weak, disoriented, dizzy, shaky jittery, all my muscles feel tight even in my feet, I just generally feel I will die any minute, the worse thing is even when I think I should feel ok as in I'm busy and not worrying I still get symptoms. Why? Is this common in anxiety? Will I ever feel well? Please don't read and run xx

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

The weakness gets so bad I feel as though I will collapse in a heap as I don't have the strength to keep moving?

09-11-13, 18:27
Hi Katty,

I came here to learn about HA because I encounter people that suffer from it in real life. Between here and doing a heck of a lot of reading and research, I've certainly learned about the symptoms and how it affects people. Every one is different in the severity of the symptoms but the symptoms are generally the same.

What you describe is anxiety. If you read through the "Symptoms" link on the left side of the page, you'll find yourself there. Anxiety is an illness, no different than the ones you fear or believe you have. While it causes physiological responses and symptoms, the root is psychological and can be treated with therapy, CBT, meds or a combination thereof.

Take a moment and look through some of the past posts of some of the members with similar symptoms, you'll see how common it is and you'll also see how this illness can put you in a seemingly unending cycle of worry, doubt and physical symptoms. You can't treat the symptoms you feel but you can treat the root of the problem. Make up your mind to do so. Acceptance is key in taking the steps to get well. There are several members that are doing just that and doing much better. Good luck in your journey.

09-11-13, 18:33
Hi thanks for replying, I have seen other posts, I just can't seem to accept it no matter how hard I try. :blush::weep: guess I do need cbt I have had a few sessions but am struggling so far. Is it normal to feel ill all the time even when you feel relaxed and don't think your worrying? X

09-11-13, 18:51
Hi thanks for replying, I have seen other posts, I just can't seem to accept it no matter how hard I try. :blush::weep: guess I do need cbt I have had a few sessions but am struggling so far. Is it normal to feel ill all the time even when you feel relaxed and don't think your worrying? X

From what I've read, yes, it's normal. Your body is under a lot of stress during a panic attack and when you're stressing about your health and other things. The reaction when you finally relax is akin to what you might feel after a hard workout....sore...tired...shaky etc.

I can relate in that I suffered similar symptoms during my cancer ordeal. While on the outside I was handling things rather well, I was masking the stress and fear. The result would be symptoms similar to what you're feeling. My team explained it to me as something akin to PTSD. I understand how hard it is to accept that what you're feeling is mental. I suffered from some depression after my heart attack and heart surgery. I felt awful for a while and was diagnosed with depression. I went to therapy and was on meds for a while. I got through it and have not had an issue since. Having gone through that, I now can recognize the symptoms should they ever arise again.

You'll get there. Keep working at the CBT. Perhaps speak to your GP about some meds to help with the stress and/or find a therapist to help get to the root of the issue and find the catalyst that started it all. Life is much too short to worry about things you can't control ;)

09-11-13, 19:04
So I have the same symptoms you had when you had cancer?

09-11-13, 19:08
So I have the same symptoms you had when you had cancer?

I didn't say that at all!!! ~lol~ I was stressed during my treatment and had aches and pains attributed to stress... BTW... selective reading and hearing is pretty common with HA ;)

You'll be fine... seriously! Keep going to the treatment and avoid Dr. Google at all costs! :)

09-11-13, 19:15
Hi Katy sorry to hear you having a rough time of it......your symptoms are not cancerous in nature but a by product of nervous exhaustion as a consequence of excessive and constant anxiety.....

When I have one of oh my god my head going to explode or I'm going to collapse....I try to make it happen 20 yeas on and my head has yet to explode or my legs collapse!!!!!

So please seek some assurance in that fact and eventually you will calm down to level you can tolerate!!!!

Hope this helps.

09-11-13, 19:19
Lol phew sorry I'm a wreck every little thing makes me worry. I went to watch my little brother play football today and one of the mums on the sideline was sat on some muddy steps clutching her chest I didn't find out what was wrong but I immediately thought I was gonna collapse with chest pain or something ( she was ok in the end looked much better after sitting for a while thankfully ). I'm thinking maybe I need to up my meds been on citalopram for years started on 40 but jumped down to 10 whilst preg and went back to 20 since I gave birth and been on 20 for 2 years. X

---------- Post added at 19:19 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ----------

Hi Katy sorry to hear you having a rough time of it......your symptoms are not cancerous in nature but a by product of nervous exhaustion as a consequence of excessive and constant anxiety.....

When I have one of oh my god my head going to explode or I'm going to collapse....I try to make it happen 20 yeas on and my head has yet to explode or my legs collapse!!!!!

So please seek some assurance in that fact and eventually you will calm down to level you can tolerate!!!!

Hope this helps.

Yes I have heard that the 'willing it to happen' response is an effective one. Must try to do this more!

09-11-13, 19:54
Hi Katy glad to have helped.... It is an effective response but can at times be difficult to achieve so be too alarmed if you flip back into the classic 'oh my god response' on numerous occasions......

12-11-13, 16:40
Sorry ur strugglin. Katty but everything ur saying is just like u described I feel too I have had anxiety on and off for 5 years it's horrible but . Have got through it a few times and been doing great up untI'll my anxiety has been high the last few weeks. pm me if ud like to chat x

14-11-13, 09:10
Bless you Katty.
When I'm at my worst i feel exactly as you are now and because of how awful im feeling, i tend to get even more anxious asking myself over and over why i feel like this? then its the cycle of what my symptoms relate to the most, is it breathing/chest then id think yeah heart issue, or am i getting a headache, dizziness - i assumed i had a brain tumour, when you decide what the symptoms relate to the most then you think DEATH and by this point im a big old wreck. I refused to consider the fact that it was actually ME causing me to feel this way, until my CBT where it was all about accepting, and realising i wasnt helping myself at all. Now im 85% percent under control and really rationalise things. I have actually had some worries over the past week, and noticed ive felt worst, but i know that is because im focusing so much on them im noticing it more. I step back and think of all the stuff going on over the past few weeks and think ah, perhaps this is a trigger, or potentially a collection of things.
Your fine hun, i deffo advice CBT as soon as you can, it gave me my life back :-)