View Full Version : any advice,?

09-11-13, 17:36
keep waking up with stomach pains and nausea. tried anti sickness tablets plus buscopan gaviscon and ometprazole but nothing works. it's getting worse like it's just a matter of time till I puke. struggling to get out of bed as its horrible feeling like this and just getting worse
if things couldn't get any worse heart started beating weird for about 5 seconds

09-11-13, 18:41
Maybe you need to go tell you gp about this one? Sounds like what I had when I had gastroenteritis, this is nothing to worry about. My was cured by taking ometprazole. So I think going to your gp is best as he may have another med to try, however this could also be another symptom of anxiety I no I have bad stomach and ibs due to my anxiety. Aldo the heart symptom you mentioned sounds like symptom of your anxiety over your stomach trouble to me. I'm not a doc thou these are just my thoughts hope they help. Try to relax. I know it's difficult!

09-11-13, 19:27
saw my gp said nothing more can do. no.idea what to do.

10-11-13, 07:59
I would go back again and tell him just how much it's affecting your life. I'm sure it is the anxiety try relaxing in a hot bath before bed. And a hot water bottle x