View Full Version : Heart attack and blood clot worries

09-11-13, 22:22
I'm lying here trying to reassure other people, while feeling very aware of the pain in my chest.

When I lie on my right I get a pain near my shoulder. It felt higher up my neck today, which convinced me it's a blood clot that will sneak up to my brain and kill me. I am continuing dialogue with myself that I often have feelings like this, and I have not come to any harm, which helps a little.

The tightness in my chest worries me. I notice it more when I lie down, but have it sometimes during the day too. It's easier to distract myself in the daytime. I'm overweight because I comfort eat, and while I know this is wrong, and I tell myself every night that I must get a grip and improve my diet, just getting through a day is hard enough right now.

Saying this 'out loud' is a relief for me. I've been struggling for a while. I joined here ages ago, and overall I am much better. But there are times like this when I need suggestions from you friendly folks. My hubby is working away, which makes it difficult because he's a huge support. I want to sleep, I'm just so exhausted, but once I stop doing things I start to worry and get hyper aware even more!

09-11-13, 22:56
Insomniac, I get the same tight chest and pain when I lay down. I find that if I try to concentrate on my breathing and find the "lie" in my automatic thoughts, then it often changes the way I feel. I try to immerse myself in a good book, which will often take my mind off of it. Relaxation tapes are generally a big hep, as well.
Just continue to believe that it's only anxiety. You're going to be okay.

09-11-13, 23:14
Hi Tanner, thanks for that. Just hearing someone say you're going to be ok, is a help for me. I know I am lucky in that way. Finding the "lie" sounds good. I can see myself using that one. I try to challenge my anxiety,and I will say Ha! I won that one, boo to you anxiety. It may sound strange, but it makes me feel good, jubilant sometimes, and encourages me the next time too.

10-11-13, 12:36
That definitely doesn't sound strange, Insomniac. It's all about putting the "lie" to those irrational thoughts for me. That gives me room to breathe, room to trust and have faith that this is truly anxiety. Once that happens, I know that the anxiety can't hurt me and my situation seems more bearable.

10-11-13, 16:00
Hi Insomniac,

Just the fact that you're on this forum rationalizing your symptoms in this post and not lying in a hospital bed hooked up to heart monitors should tell you something ;)

I've posted several times before that if in fact it were a heart attack or clot, you wouldn't be here posting about it I assure you! Getting to the root of the issue **anxiety** will be the key to alleviating the symptoms you feel.

Good Luck!

10-11-13, 21:26
Thanks Tanner and fishmanpa. I smile to myself when I realise I am not on the way to A&E, but lying in my bed typing a message. It doesn't make the feelings go away, but it gives them less power. It's a case of practise I guess, like CBT. Convincing myself that I am in control. And will not be harassed by the lies of anxiety in my head. It's just good to hear a second opinion of someone saying yep, you're ok. Thanks again. :)

10-11-13, 21:31
harassed by the lies of anxiety in my head.

That's a very interesting perspective and a true one at that!