View Full Version : drinking with sertraline (zoloft)

johnny boy
09-11-13, 22:32
hello in on sertraline 50mg i am a big drinker i drink 5pints daily at the pub i don't take it in the morning so i don't drink on it i take it at night. Is this safe to do? As in curious. Thanks

09-11-13, 23:07
Would you stop drinking if somebody told you it was dangerous?

johnny boy
09-11-13, 23:40
i used to drink 10-12 pints daily but not anymore. My doctor told me its not going to hurt me but sometimes i get like super anxious for no reason my friend used to drink on diazepam

09-11-13, 23:48
5 pints is close to a six pak in the US and regardless of sertraline, is not a great idea on a daily basis. The question is why you feel the need to drink that much?

10-11-13, 17:33
5 pints a day is dangerous whether you're taking medication or not.

Alcohol exacerbates anxiety.

Mixing alcohol and meds is a bad idea.

I think you probably already know this tbh.

10-11-13, 21:39
:lac: stop or cut down love. This isn't good meds or no meds

23-11-13, 02:06
Drinking is a slippery slope when dealing with anxiety and medication. I think the biggest thing if you're going to drink is to realize you will probably get a hypoglycemic reaction 8-16 hours after a good drinking bout. Thus, this will lead into an anxiety attack for sure.