View Full Version : Wits end, not coping.

10-11-13, 01:50
Hi guys,

I am really at my wits end. I'm so upset about my anxiety/panic attacks. This never used to happen to me, now I am a total recluse. And to make matters worse I have just lost my girlfriend. My fault, I think because I'm an anxious wreck I was too needy. I'm lying in bed right now, my emotions are so numbed by the citalopram I am on I can't even cry. I'm just dead weight. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. I feel like I have problems with my heart but after an ECG I put it down to anxiety. I'm so upset that I can't just move on with my life and be happy again. I'm 6 weeks in with citalopram 20mg but still feel terrible. I'm out of options. I don't know what to do anymore

10-11-13, 01:55

Have you read this:


10-11-13, 09:36
I feel the same I'm prob going to see if I can up my meds for the time being. Try not to worry I no it's hard. Try and go out for a walk in the fresh air I always find it makes me feel more real if that makes sense. Try doing something you enjoy to take your mind of yourself, again I no it's hard. I woke up this morning feeling like I'm on dead door but I got up and have cleaned my flat and I do feel a bit better now. I find I'm 100 times worse. When I just sit around as my mind goes into over drive xx