View Full Version : Sleepless

Mr Mannering
10-11-13, 09:02
I've had 2 hours sleep... Probably due to my dads funeral tommorow. I'm also up early to visit the cenotaph for remembrance day. Hopefully, and sadly will probably put all my worries into perspective.

Sometimes trying to not show you're suffering is so so tiring.

10-11-13, 17:20
I so do agree what you are saying..It is so tiring trying to be "normal"..I have to hide my anxiety every minute of every day. I have to hold down a job..otherwise we would not survive..at work I have to hide my anxiety..at home..I have children...I have to hide my anxiety from them. By time I get into bed I am exhausted..purely from putting on a brave face all day. Watching the Remembrance Day memorial on TV..does put a lot into perspective..I agree. ((big hugs)) for the loss of your dad.