View Full Version : Tiredness

10-11-13, 09:44
Anybody else feel exhausted like you could sleep for days? I sleep ok at night but still feel so tired all day. Yawwwn :emot-sleepyhead:

10-11-13, 12:31
I am always tired and exhausted and I don't sleep so well either. Are you on medication? It can make you feel like this but also the constant 'alert' of the anxious mind will make you feel tired too.

At least you are sleeping at night. Try to get some rest during the day if you can, it might help just to try and switch your mind off for a bit.

Take care, Kitti :)

12-11-13, 15:16
Katty1303, I am exactly the same as you. No matter how much sleep I get I am always tired, always lack energy and always just want to be back in bed

12-11-13, 15:38
Exactly the same.

I have developed a poor sleeping pattern where I'm up till 2am and then sleeping in until around 10.30am (I'm off work which helps)

I find the weakness the worst thing but the tiredness sometimes sends my mind ticking to other stuff

17-11-13, 11:43
Anybody else feel exhausted like you could sleep for days? I sleep ok at night but still feel so tired all day. Yawwwn :emot-sleepyhead:

Yes absolutely. I find it very frustrating as most nights I am in bed by 9:30... asleep by 10pm at the latest and I generally get 8 hours as I wake about 6am.

However the fatigue kicks in and I find myself needing to 'rest my eyes' for a bit almost daily. Sometimes I can sleep for a few hours during the day and other times my body is just so tired and heavy I HAVE to lie down before I fall over or something.

Anxiety definitely causes tense muscles and fatigue... but even when I'm not anxious I get this fatigue. I also get absolutely exhausted after moderate exercise, so for example I walked my dog for 1.5hrs this morning and now I am about to have a lie down because I'm about to fall asleep at the computer. I slept 9:30pm - 6am last night.

If anyone has a cure please let me know!

17-11-13, 12:03
Me too. Some days I simply cannot keep my eyes open and must go to bed. I hate it most in the winter, as I am missing precious daylight hours! Yet I struggle to sleep at night, and wake up very unrefreshed in the mornings, which is probably why I am tired in the daytime.

I think it's because my brain is always on hyper-alert. Using your brain uses up a lot of energy, even if you are not physically active.