View Full Version : Flashes of light in vision help!

10-11-13, 10:55
Yesterday I was on the computer when all of a sudden I saw about 4 flashes of light in my eyes and it's all I can think of, I'm so worried.

Can this be a symptom of anxiety? It was like when you see lightning flash...

There was thunder and lightning yesterday but that was in tr morning, I checked the met office website and there was no lightning recorded in my area at the time I saw the flashes. The only other thing there has been fireworks going on still, but there was no bangs or noises? Unfortunately nobody was in the room with me at the time so I can't tell if it was outside or in my eyes, but I feel like it was in my eyes.

I've for floaters and had an eye test in August because of them, the test came back fine, I even had some drops to dilate my eyes so she could see the backs of my eyes/retina but still I'm worried, my worst fear is going blind, I've had this worry since being 14 and I'm now 20.

Anyone else had this? Please help!

One more thing, I did just start taking Cipralex (on day 6 now) so don't know if it's related/is a side effect but if so I don't want to be on this med anymore!!!

10-11-13, 12:06
I get frequently flashes of lights. They're like small white specks. Sometimes black specks. They come out of nowhere and disappear when I blink. I've had my eyes tested and have near perfect vision. They're not migraines either.

10-11-13, 12:13
I get frequently flashes of lights. They're like small white specks. Sometimes black specks. They come out of nowhere and disappear when I blink. I've had my eyes tested and have near perfect vision. They're not migraines either.

Thanks for the response, is yours caused by anxiety?
Mine wasn't specks but a bright flash, like lightning, so frightening, have you ever had this?

10-11-13, 12:18
It's just a visual error. Like crossed brain signals or something of the like. Can be caused by many many things. Don't worry about it. I'm 24 and get it ALL the time.

10-11-13, 12:22
No idea what causes mine. Dr didn't seem concerned when I've mentioned it and nothing had ever shown up when I've had my eyes tested.

10-11-13, 12:23
An eye dilation and close (magnified) eye exam will show anomalies. I've had this done several times lately, one of which showed an anomaly in my left eye. I should think that you're ok if you've been examined.

I was told that vision disturbances can relate to nothing at all, headaches, tiredness etc.

10-11-13, 12:33
An eye dilation and close (magnified) eye exam will show anomalies. I've had this done several times lately, one of which showed an anomaly in my left eye. I should think that you're ok if you've been examined.

I was told that vision disturbances can relate to nothing at all, headaches, tiredness etc.

Thanks Andria, I had my eye exam in mid August, do you think I should go back for another exam?

It's just a visual error. Like crossed brain signals or something of the like. Can be caused by many many things. Don't worry about it. I'm 24 and get it ALL the time.

I have thought maybe it was my mind playing tricks because I'd seen lightning early in the day and we've have tons of fireworks going off for the past week. Plus I was on my laptop with only the lamp on, it was around 5pm so pitch black out so possibly I'd strained my eyes or something... Ahh it's so scary.

No idea what causes mine. Dr didn't seem concerned when I've mentioned it and nothing had ever shown up when I've had my eyes tested.

Thanks very much, my eye test was fine too back in August just wondering now if I should go back for another.

10-11-13, 14:57
I've had this lots of times. Sometimes I have it a few times in a row then not for months. I've had thus for a few years so I guess it can't be anything too serious. It's like someone has let off a camera flash in the corner of my vision.

10-11-13, 15:35
Thanks Andria, I had my eye exam in mid August, do you think I should go back for another exam?

If you feel really bothered, speak to your doctor. However given that your eye exam was quite recent, I'd imagine you'll be ok.