View Full Version : symptoms

10-11-13, 12:26
Hi does anyone experiance tingling in there face it comes and goes but when it comes I thinkits the start of a stroke.it comes even when theres no anxiety or panic and can cbt work for someone who has had anxity for the last 14 years on and off and runs through my family thankyou if anyone can help.

10-11-13, 12:47
I've had anxiety and panic attacks on and off for the last 25 years. Obviously, I haven't gotten to the root of all of the issues. Genetically speaking, I am prone to panic attacks, as my Mother and Father both had them.
Everyone I'd different, but for me, I have found that the only thing that works is for me to work a program. CBT has helped me greatly in the past. I am doing an online course again now. Listening to relaxation tapes also seems to help me. Keeping a positive attitude even in the face of anxiety seems to be very important.
Imhave found that there is always hope for recovery, no matter how long you have suffered with anxiety.

10-11-13, 15:17
Hi tanner thanks for your advice were can I find a cbt course online and is it free


10-11-13, 15:19
We recommend CBT4PANIC - look at the sticky threads in the Therapy forum on here