View Full Version : Symptoms even when not anxious?

10-11-13, 17:05
Is it normal to still feel bad symptoms even when you don't feel like your anxious? I have symptoms 24/7. I went Xmas shopping today and had great time didn't feel anxious atall but still felt really tired, unreal, in a bubble, spaced out, pressure in head ect ect ect. This is why I struggle because I can't understand why I feel ill 24/7. I guess I just assume I should feel ok when not anxious? Please reply xx

10-11-13, 18:04
Yes. Anxiety can be underlying. I've lost a lot of weight in the last six or so weeks, and can honestly say (for example) that I haven't felt anxious every single minute etc, and yet the weight continued to come off.

Anxiety is quite an insidious illness. It kind of seeps into everything somehow. I'm sure you're otherwise fine :)

10-11-13, 18:29
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

FOR ME, this was normal, to feel anxiety symptoms all the time.

I think we assume that for symptoms to appear we need to be apprehensive or fearful of a given situation, but this is not so.

I called it an automatic response, for me I felt that by body was sooo used to feeling like this, it would automatically give me symptoms.

Even though you felt like this, you say you had a good time:yesyes: that's GREAT Katty :hugs: you never let it stop you from doing what you wanted to do. :yesyes:

****this is why I struggle because I can't understand why I feel ill 24/7. I guess I just assume I should feel ok when not anxious? ***

I do understand your struggle, :hugs:

I feel its important to learn about anxiety how it effects others and whats just as important, is learning about YOURSELF.

Help yourself understand, that it can and does effect not only you but others too 24/7 without feeling anxious it just gives us certain symptoms and the symptoms list is ??????

Hope this helped.

YOU DID GREAT going shopping :yesyes:



10-11-13, 19:23
Look up Candida and it's symptoms - you could be suffering from it. I had symptoms 24/7 and wasn't anxious, but kept being told by doctors that it was anxiety. It wasn't until I saw a counsellor who told me it wasn't anxiety and was something physical that started looking for answers. I found a naturopath who has diagnosed me with candida overgrowth along with numerous other things. Doctors won't treat for a lot of things, but there is help out there if you see the right people - mostly natural health practitioners. I had the exact symptoms you mention.

10-11-13, 22:03
Omg I just looked it up and I have most symptoms. I even had a bout of hives a few weeks ago and sorry for tmi but I had thrush several times. Is it treatable and will my doc no about it if I mention it?

10-11-13, 22:15
Some doctors treat it, but most don't and even the ones that do usually only treat the localised symptoms (such as vaginal thrush with pessaries etc). I would recommend finding a good natural health practitioner who can help treat the systemic problem adn they will also advise on a good diet to follow. I don't want to freak you out, because it is totally treatable, but what can happen if you've had it for a long time, is that it can permeate your intestines and cause leaky gut, which in turn can cause chronic health problems - usually starting with allergies (as food particles leak from the intestine into your blood stream and cause your immune system to go haywire). This is what happened to me. I have numerous allergies and get hives etc. So my advice would be to either find a holistic doctor, who will treat systemic candida and leaky gut or a good naturopath. I had to go through several doctors before I found one who would listen and then she referred me on to a naturopath.