View Full Version : Back to doctors or not?

10-11-13, 17:14
Hi everyone.

I went to the doctor's last week about my breast. I had a little mark on it which was bothering me. And I also remembered about a little metal feeling ball thing I had in the same breast, that'd been the years but never bothered me. So I started prodding and playing until I found the little thing, (that I describe as a teeny ball). Anyway, I convinced myself that I would DEFINITELY be referred by my doctor and my life would never be the same again. I went in, she had a look at the mark, she said that was an inflamed hair follicle and it was nothing. Then I lay down and she had a feel for the 'ball', which she found, and said that was nothing and she wasn't at all concerned because it moved freely, was very small and she could feel all the borders. I was in there literally 5 minutes. She assured me there was no problem and she'd refer me straight away if she was even slightly concerned.
So my anxiety was good, for a about an hour :/. Since then I feel like I'm having pains, just under my arm. It does seem coincidental, in my rational head, as I've never had pains before, but since my breast issues I'm suddenly feeling all these twinges and panicking. Another thing that's popped up, (on the same breast), is a little purple mark, like a pin prick, it doesn't fade, not raised, doesn't hurt. I may have nipped or caught myself funny whilst doing one of my examinations, (silly I know), but I'm worried about it now.
I just wondered, should I just relax about this and trust the doctor? Or go back with my new mark and pain feelings? I don't know if I'm just bringing them on with focusing too much on it and feeling around. Is pain a big sign of something bad? I daren't google.
Thanks for any replies xx

10-11-13, 17:21
Yes, you should just relax and trust the doctor. They see hundreds of patients, hundreds of breasts and know what is a concern and what isn't.

You really need to try your hardest to divert your attention from every little physical thing, and stop examining your body. It does nothing except disturb your mind and heighten your anxiety, so what does it solve? I think this kind of validates the fact that numerous medical check ups do not get the health worry solved or relax the mind, as the continuing worry is driven by anxiety hun x:shrug:

Are you being treated for your anxiety at all? x

10-11-13, 20:09
I know, it's a nightmare of a vicious circle. It's just these pains I'm fixated on now. I mean, is it possible to imagine pain? Or bring it on? Cos I've never had these pains/twinges until I started worrying about breast C. I've just started seeing a psychologist yeah. So hopefully she can help me. Xx

10-11-13, 20:19
Yes, I think it is entirely possible to bring things on when anxious, physically. So many physical symptoms listed as related to anxiety tell us this.

I also think that we can FIND things wrong if we look hard enough for them too. All we need to do is see one out of the ordinary spot or mark and before we know it we blow it up into something serious, because the anxiety TELLS us it is.

I'm not sure about imagined pain, but I do think that pain is way worse to us when we are anxious. This is a fact, and distraction plays a huge part in our perception of pain. When we continuously focus on an ache/pain, it gets worse. When we move our thoughts elsewhere, what is horrendous turns into bearable, and more often than not, passes.

I think that your pain problems are well worth discussing with your psychologist in tandem with your anxiety hun. I am sure that he/she will make some kind of link between the two.

All the best.xx:hugs:

10-11-13, 20:30
Thanks your help debs - made me feel better. I'll definitely speak to the psychologist about it. Thanks again :) xx

10-11-13, 20:35
No probs hun.

Wishing you well! x:bighug1: