View Full Version : don't know what to do

10-11-13, 19:19
I found my brother dead in june this year it was heart breaking and sudden and it hard to come to terms with ....I have suffered health anxiety most of my life after finding my brother I started with diarrhea and my anxieties where through the roof my doc sent me for tests sigmoidoscopy which was clear and a barium enema that turned out the images where not very good ( been told this happens ) so then they said well we will do a colonoscopy well this all started in june all my symptoms have gone I'm due this colonoscopy this friday but I don't know if to bother going I have no symptoms I think the original symptons where all linked to my brothers death and my own anxiety I just don't know what to do I don't want to go

12-11-13, 10:04
What an awful thing for you to go through.Dont understand why nobody has replied, I dont have any advice except make sure you go to doctor appointment and get help with your grief, it is still very raw, take care xxxxxx

12-11-13, 10:32

If your symptoms have gone entirely then I would have thought the colonoscopy wasn't necessary. But how long have they been gone for? If they've been consistently gone for a while, then I would suggest calling your GP, explaining, and asking what they think. My understanding is that they only do colonoscopies if they have to - it sounds like your diarrhoea was all related to the trauma/grief, but I wouldn't skip the colonoscopy without checking with your GP just in case there was something in your symptoms that made them think a colonoscopy definitely was worth doing, if you know what I mean?

12-11-13, 10:32
Hi Cags

I'm so sorry to hear this - you've been through such a trauma:hugs:

It was probably related to your brothers death but is there anyway you could pop in to see your dr or phone and chat to him/her on the phone and see what they think you should do?

Great big hugs.


12-11-13, 15:46
What a heartbreaking and terrible thing to go through. I am so so sorry for what you went through and for the loss of your brother.

As someone else said, I'd have a chat with your GP. I personally think you are correct, that it was a response to a traumatic and awful event but it's best to ask your GP for peace of mind x

14-11-13, 13:43
Thank you so much for your replies , my anxiety is overtaking my life at the moment :(