View Full Version : Fishmanpa

11-11-13, 09:07
Anyone reading this who is suffering from health anxiety should go and read the posts of Fishmanpa. His is an inspirational story, and should put some of your own worries into perspective. I don't think he suffers from health anxiety as we all do/did, so his angle is usually much more rational.

Worth a read.

11-11-13, 11:19
Skippy I've never known anyone quite like him. He is, without ever having met him, a singularly awesome individual. Upbeat, generous and yes - inspirational.

If ever he makes his way across the pond there's a warm welcome awaiting him at my home.

Oh ... and did you know that he's pregnant. He visited Dr Google just yesterday. Knowing how right the good doctor is, it's confirmed ... :roflmao:

11-11-13, 12:02
Awwww... thanks :blush: Glad I can be of assistance. I suggest you take note and read Skippy's Andria's, Brunette's, Nicola's and a few others (forgive me if i don't name you all) posts as well. They've taken steps to beat the beast. Inspirational and rational as well!

And so you know. No, I don't suffer from HA or anxiety. I have health issues and recently battled Head and Neck cancer (oral cancer). I participate in a couple of cancer forums and there are/were several posters that obviously suffer with HA/anxiety posting there. As the forum responded, I became interested in HA and came here to learn more about this malady. It's helped me greatly to understand the illness. You see, when I was going through the diagnostic process, I prayed to get a negative result. You would think that anyone truly faced with a diagnosis of any serious illness would jump for joy and move on with their lives when they were told everything is fine. Not so with HA. Thus I'm here to learn and have stayed to offer my perspective.

Please forgive me in advance for my candor but I pull no punches. As I've battled the beast called cancer, had two heart attacks, etc., so must you battle your beast called anxiety. It's no different in that it will take your life. The difference is my beast can bury me, your beast does that above ground. Don't let it take your life. It's too short not to be enjoying it :)

11-11-13, 12:47
Thanks for the namecheck Fishmanpa, the observations in your last paragraph are spot on :)

I hope this will also put things into perspective:

This morning I went for follow-up screening after a mammogram. I was anxious, yes, any person would be as you have no idea why they want to see you again. I had another mammogram and then saw the doctor who gave me an ultrasound, said that there were a few small cysts but otherwise nothing to worry about and basically, "see you again in three years."

Now this is what it's like when you don't have health anxiety - you don't want to be a "patient" for 5 minutes more than you need to be. You've faced the worry and want to be done with it. You want to be out of the door as quickly as you can and get on with your life. You don't start worrying that they missed something hours after being discharged.

The bottom line is that you need to just trust the professionals. These people specialise in what they do. They see hundreds of patients every year, they know what cancer (and every other disease) looks like and what it doesn't look like and have all the latest equipment to help them find it if it's there.

Mistakes are rare - and getting rarer as systems become more sophisticated (both in diagnostics and record keeping) and as various screening programmes become more widespread and sophisticated.

It's a great time to be alive - especially if you are in the UK and lucky to be able take advantage of the NHS - so get on with it, enjoy it, and quit worrying.

11-11-13, 12:48
Kudos to Fishmanpa :)

11-11-13, 14:25
Indeed skippy. Fishmanpa is the don!

It was posts by him and actually yourself that gave me the push to stop thinking about getting help and actually do it already (and Brunette and CP gave me another little prod, or kick in the ass if you like, when I wavered)

11-11-13, 15:01
I love your posts fishmanpa and thanks for the mention too.

I hope you stay with us for the foreseeable future as I am sure you are helping loads of people on here.

11-11-13, 15:53
Without wanting to inflate Fishmanpa's ego - I have to agree with everything that people say here.

The problem with Internet forums is that they attract negativity - understandably as the people who don't need help don't usually spend their days hanging around on Internet forums. The negativity breeds negativity and instead of being a place of reassurance and mutual support they can, in effect become a source of negative counselling.

The way to counteract that is to have people like those listed in this thread. That is what keeps this forum supportive and useful and we should do everything we can to persuade the people who have recovered, if they feel able, to hang around.

11-11-13, 18:19
I love your posts fishmanpa and thanks for the mention too.

I hope you stay with us for the foreseeable future as I am sure you are helping loads of people on here.

Nicola, your own story and how you've coped is also inspirational, that kinda goes without saying on here. You've created a fantastic resource here and to be honest the more people like Fishmanpa this forum can attract, without health anxiety, who can help those with health anxiety, the better.

11-11-13, 18:22
I have to say I do enjoy reading Fishmanpa's logical perspective on symptoms and HA. I hope you do stay on this forum .I know your posts help and reassure a lot of people.

11-11-13, 21:04
Agreed with everyone, he is wonderful and has helped me turn my life around x

11-11-13, 21:15
Thank You Skippy - I also love your posts too as it happens.

12-11-13, 11:07
I must agree that Fishmanpa has a great way of looking at the world and has offered sage advice to people here :)

There are many users on this forum giving excellent advice these days, it's good to see that happening! It really is a very supportive community, one that helps rather than enables the HA to continue. :yesyes:

12-11-13, 11:13
For balance do you think we should start a Fishmanpa is rubbish thread :)

12-11-13, 11:14
Ah but he isn't :)

12-11-13, 11:15
For balance do you think we should start a Fishmanpa is rubbish thread :)

Lol I'm not sure it would take off!

12-11-13, 11:30
i think you are probably right :)

12-11-13, 11:40
i think you are probably right :)

How have you been feeling cpe? I hope you're feeling some benefit from your work x

12-11-13, 11:57
Do you know Honeylove, I have been doing ok thank you very much. I still spend a lot of time thinking about my health, but I spend far less time anxious about my health. I trust in time that I will spend less time thinking about it too.

I have started celebrating small victories rather than accepting only perfection. I have also started to focus on the important things in life, enjoying my children and family.

Critically though, I am aware of the issue, I am utterly determined to tackle it, and at the moment it is moving in the right direction.

12-11-13, 12:02
Look I keep telling folks and none of you pick up on it ... Fishman is pregnant. Dr Google gave him the good news three days ago.

Just saying :D

12-11-13, 12:04
Look I keep telling folks and none of you pick up on it ... Fishman is pregnant. Dr Google gave him the good news three days ago.

Just saying :D

I just found out I'm having a cat! I'm SO excited! ;)

12-11-13, 12:13
Do you know Honeylove, I have been doing ok thank you very much. I still spend a lot of time thinking about my health, but I spend far less time anxious about my health. I trust in time that I will spend less time thinking about it too.

I have started celebrating small victories rather than accepting only perfection. I have also started to focus on the important things in life, enjoying my children and family.

Critically though, I am aware of the issue, I am utterly determined to tackle it, and at the moment it is moving in the right direction.

I'm so glad to hear all of that, it really sounds like you're on a good path now! You're right that becoming aware of the issue is critically important, but what's also important is that you act on it - there are so many people that post on these boards who are aware of the HA but do nothing about it and just use this place to reassure themselves, you on the other hand are forging the change in your own life and you'll be all the better for it :)