View Full Version : What image best represents health anxiety?

11-11-13, 12:54
I've finally completed my book on how to beat health anxiety. It will be available on Amazon very soon, but one of the last things I need to do is design a cover for the book, and I need your help!

Is there an image that best sums up health anxiety for you?

11-11-13, 13:36
first of all well done. & how did you do it. & i will deffo by the book. xxx well what image does anxiety describe. well everything realy it,s all mix emothions. pitty you couldn,t put like a rainbow & a rainstorm. like basicly after the storm theres a rainbow & draw tha image

11-11-13, 13:39
A maelstrom of darkness and movement with a beast lurking just out of reach. Imagine a dark night, open mouth of a cave, darkness within ... and the monster in the shadows.

Yep. Anxiety personified :D

11-11-13, 13:53
Great ideas so far.

I would suggest a person doing something normal, maybe taking dinner out of the oven with the word "cancer" floating out of the open oven, "HIV" popping out of a nearby open drawer, the steam from cooking forming the letters "MND" etc, with maybe the persons shadow forming the silhouette of the grim reaper. Because we really do see these things at every turn and believe we are marked for death.

Not sure if that makes sense.

11-11-13, 13:55
also skippy. you could still have the storm but with a boat wavering up & down in the sea & the people on it are lost,frightend. but deffo have some sort of thundery storm.. or someone behind a closed door afraid to come out

11-11-13, 14:03
Maybe a combination of the individual going about their day with the beast on their back, whispering health related portents of doom into their ear.

11-11-13, 14:05
Well if it's about beating health anxiety i think you need a light hearted picture. No doom and gloom maybe a person trying to close a door on all the nasty thoughts almost like an over full cupboard, with all the bad words trying to jump out, but the person closing the door on them with a big carefree smile. Shows that the worries arnt completely gone but are unable to consume us.

11-11-13, 14:07
Ooh I like that too Andria.

Also liking fruity's storm/sea thing. Maybe a person, tossed from a shipwreck literally cast adrift in the ocean of diseases (maybe bubbles or waves making out the words of said diseases) clutching frantically to a piece of driftwood labelled "rationality".

Hey, can't you write a load of books and use all these ideas? ;-)

11-11-13, 14:34
Haha one step at a time!

Thanks for all the suggestions. I have just found out that I have to use one of amazon's stock images, which are fairly limited so I've gone for a simple stethoscope - I could have had a cover custom-designed but in the interests of speed I've gone for one of theirs.

Maybe I'll use some of these suggestions for my next book.

By the way, the book will be available for free for a limited time and I will announce how and when you can get a free copy on here as soon as it's available. It's not a very long book, but I really think it will help people - it has taken me months to complete.

11-11-13, 15:02
I'm very interested in getting one of these books please let me no thanks x