View Full Version : Hi Im Mark from SW UK

11-11-13, 13:07
Hi Im mark im 43.I am diabetic type 1 and have been under the doctor for stress,anxiety and depression for the past two years.Over the past year things have started to get a lot worse.I had my medication (citalopram) increased from 20mg to 40 mg and it does not seem to be doing anything .the doctors moved me onto Paroxetine just over two weeks agao but I have now developed a huge weeping rash over my back and around my neck,they have said it could be reaction to tablets so have not taken anything for five days now under doctors advice but does not seem to be helping.
I have been off work now for six weeks and the support from them is terrible ,I have had comments like you will look back on this and laugh from my manager and you have very little support period from my personnel manager. I just cant cope with anything and its getting worse.I feel like I am alone with all of this its got to the time when ending my life seems the best way out and Im hoping there is someone outthere that may understand how I feel and that could maybe spare a few minutes to talk .sorry if this is a bit rambling,ive never done anything like this before

11-11-13, 15:49
Hi Mark,
I am in a similar position to you. I am just switching meds to my 5th anti depressant. had a bit of a breakdown at work today and home at the moment waiting for a gp app. I am hoping to get signed off as I cant see how I can cope with work. I am an assistant manager in a book shop but not had an manager for over 2 months and the stress has taken its toll on me. I suffer from depression and GAD anyway and this stress has just made me worse. I also feel that I have had no support form my employers.
I also feel guilty that I am leaving my staff in the lurch by going on the sick but I am no use to them the way I am.

am sorry for taking over your hello.

it is nice to know that you are not alone.

hope you find the help and support here as I have done.


11-11-13, 16:09
Hello there it's not the easyest condition for people to understand the only ones that will are people who have it or been through it so I'm sure you will find this site helpful and talk to people who understand it helps.

11-11-13, 16:22
Hi Mark

Just spend some time here posting and reading. It really helps to talk with the people here, your fellow sufferers and people that have come through. Anxiety is not well understood, even by doctors.

Ending it is never the answer, there is a light at the end of all our tunnels. It may take time but you will reach it.

11-11-13, 16:23
Hi :welcome: to NMP

11-11-13, 16:27
hi thanks, I cant wait to have the chance to use the chatroom and be able to talk to others in the same position ive never had that chance before.five days cant come soon enough

12-11-13, 10:44
Hi, I just wanted to say finding this site yesterday was the best thing,its nice to know that I am not alone with all this.
My doctor also said that a thyroid problem could be making things worse but then they tell me I have to wait ten weeks for a blood test.
this morning has been a rollercoaster of emotions .I feel so guilty right now for letting everyone down.im counting the days until I can get in the chatroom so I can talk ,wish I could just fast forward four more days

12-11-13, 17:14
Hi Mark. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.