View Full Version : Hi im T.

11-11-13, 13:18
Hi, im T, I suffer from panic attacks all the time, and horrible intrusive thoughts that make me very compulsive. I havent yet worked up the courage to see a gp. Are there any other things that help people? Thankyou :)

11-11-13, 13:22
Welcome to the forum, T. It helps me being around like minded people that seem to understand what I'm going through. Medication and the CBT is helping me quite a bit at the moment. Good luck on this journey.

11-11-13, 13:45
Hi, thankyou for the welcome. Medication terrifies me, I was put on anti depressants 3 years ago for ptsd, and I hated them, they made me feel numb and unable to feel any emotion, was never offered any therapy lije I really wanted, which is probably my reason for avoiding the medical system.

11-11-13, 18:41
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

Different meds affect different people in different ways. If the ones you tried 3 years ago gave you unpleasant side effects, there may be others which would suit you better. If you ask for therapy, they should put you on the waiting list - don't wait for it to be offered to you, make sure you insist on it.

11-11-13, 21:43
I will deffinetely put my foot down this time. After all no one knows what I need to feel better than me .

Steven C
13-11-13, 16:58
Hi T, welcome to NMP.