View Full Version : My Introduction

11-11-13, 14:01
Firstly I want to apologise for not noticing this introduction category as being a new member to this website I went and posted a topic in Health Anxiety without giving any background on myself first, so here we go.

My name is Ashley (male) and I am 25 years old. I have been suffering something chronic with O.C.D, Anxiety, Health Anxiety, Routine Anxiety and Mood Disorders for many years now.

I have been on Sertraline for over a year and can not bring myself off it.

I have many panic attacks a day about feelings in my body that 99.9% of people get but in my mind they always result in the worst case scenario such as heart attack and strokes etc.

I can not use certain numbers for fear of being cursed, I can not touch many public objects for fear of being tainted by germs and dirt, I suffer from intrusive thoughts and feelings of disassociation from my own body and many many other annoying mental health related shortcomings.

One day I hope to be able to live a normal life with my fiancee who is stressed by my illness and not live everyday in fear of my own mind.

11-11-13, 14:58
Hello ashley, seems you have rather a lot going on! I can relate to this on a few points. Can I ask what you mean by dissasociation from body, just want to see if its the same as I feel. :)

11-11-13, 17:15
Hiya Ashley! It's nice to be introduced to you, I'm Nicky. I hope this site can help you!