View Full Version : Is this normal.

11-11-13, 15:05
I just found out someone in the local town who I new died in her sleep last night (May she rest in peace) now I'm terrified it's gonna happen to me? Is this normal with health anxiety. I literally just conviced myself I'm next. Feel sick. X

11-11-13, 15:16
Yes it's normal to assume that you're next, or you're going to get the Ebola virus or whatever. It's the nature if the illness. But you won't be, so calm down and try to think more positively :)

12-11-13, 09:51
Yes its normal and no youre not next.Im exactly the same, my OH's friend is married to a lady, thesame age as me, recently diagnosed with the C word and I wont even discuss it, because its like tempting fate, if I talk about it, I will get it.Completely irrational but it terrifies me.My neighbours either side if me have had cancer and to me its like everyone has it and I must be next, ridiculius I know xx

12-11-13, 10:35
Yep I do this all the time - I do it when I read an article in a mag about someone who has a life threatening illness, I convince myself in minutes that I too have it.

its the joys of health anxiety. You're not alone.


12-11-13, 12:00
I just found out someone in the local town who I new died in her sleep last night (May she rest in peace) now I'm terrified it's gonna happen to me? Is this normal with health anxiety. I literally just conviced myself I'm next. Feel sick. X

I just found out someone in my state hit the lottery (lucky SOB!). Now I'm going to go buy a couple of tickets because I'm convinced it's gonna happen to me! I'm literally convinced I'm next. Feel Lucky ;)

It's how you look at it Katty. A therapist, CBT and meds or a combination thereof can possibly help to change the way you feel and see things as well as how you react to them. There are people here doing it and you can too!

Positive thoughts, prayers and go buy a lotto ticket!....good luck :)

12-11-13, 12:24
Katty, so perfectly normal for someone with HA. All of the women in my family on my Mother's side have died during March, so I live the entire mont in terrible panic, just knowing Im going to be next. We have to focus on controlling the things that we can and accepting the things that we can't control.