View Full Version : can anyone pm me, in the waiting room

11-11-13, 15:49
Having terrible anxiety attack pins and needless and shaking and chest prssure, scared there gonna tell me my bp is so high I have to be hostpitalized.

11-11-13, 17:30
Pinky I hope you're feeling a bit better the now. I know the waiting is awful and it really doesn't help anxiety.

Let us know how you go on, and all being well it was an anxiety attack and nothing more. In the event you have been admitted well at least you know you're being looked after by the professionals and that you'll be able to avail yourself of all the lovely fayre that comes out of the hospital kitchens :D

Daisy Sue
11-11-13, 19:05
I hope you're feeling much better by now, & the doctor was able to reassure you.

11-11-13, 19:50
Any news pinkynicca? Hope all is well.

12-11-13, 03:53
Blood pressure was really high, but went down after 30 mins, bad chest pressure and arm aches all day then was starting to feel better but then on the drive home I had a horribly painful stab feeling just left of a sternum lasted 2 secs or so now I'm back terrified

12-11-13, 04:03
Hey I tried pm u idk if u got it but I'm going through the same thing right now