View Full Version : Overcame a panic attack today

11-11-13, 16:38
I'm not sure my thread title is the best lol but it says it all about what happened today.

I just wanted to say I managed to sit though something stressful feeling like I was about to have a panic attack for the first time in about a year. I sort of 'rode it out' and when it got to it's worst point when I was outside of the place I rang a friend (distracted myself) and the feelings disappeared in a matter of 10 or so minutes even though I had felt so scared and awful.

I feel a bit cheesy saying this but I'm extremely proud of myself :blush: I didn't run away like I would have a long time ago and I feel like maybe I've won against these bleeping things finally. :)

11-11-13, 16:49
Well done. It's always a triumphant feeling when you can do this :)

Next time it happens, remind yourself how you did it this time no matter how much your mind says 'this time it's different!'

11-11-13, 16:53
Well done. It's always a triumphant feeling when you can do this :)

Next time it happens, remind yourself how you did it this time no matter how much your mind says 'this time it's different!'

Thank you :) I sort of did that today too, I kept saying no matter how bad I feel it's going to pass; it always has so far. It worked and I think that's why it wasn't able to become a big full blown panic attack (well the kind I'm used to from feeling like that at the start). :)

11-11-13, 17:00
You should be proud of yourself. You did exactly what you have to do to get better. Face fear, and you did. Well done x

11-11-13, 17:54
You should be proud of yourself. You did exactly what you have to do to get better. Face fear, and you did. Well done x

Thanks :D

11-11-13, 21:50
well done gina good for you :)

11-11-13, 21:56
well done :)

11-11-13, 23:35
:D Good work! You should be proud, keep it up!

12-11-13, 17:45
Cheers very much for the nice comments :yesyes:

12-11-13, 17:53
You are aloud to be proud!!!:D

13-11-13, 09:54
Positivity is soo important. Keep it up!

13-11-13, 13:04
Great job and well done, Gina. That's a tough thing to accomplish and you should celebrate that victory.

13-11-13, 14:36
Be proud of yourself. :)

14-11-13, 00:38
I think thats a great beginning! Exposing ourselves to things/places [exposure therapy] is the best way to overcome it!

15-11-13, 12:03
I remember the first time I rode through a panic attack. I was getting them same time every evening for 5 years and couldnt relax waiting for it and then at the onset of panic I would rush out of the house and off in my car. I read somewhere about allowing the panic to ride through you and out the other side and that the very worst thing to do was to run away from it. Next evening sure enough along it came around 9pm but I refused to run away and sat for a few uncomfortable minutes until it passed (without my leaving the house). Each night I did the same and within a week I just wasnt getting one at all ! That was about 15 years ago and I really havent had one since apart from a little anxiety sometimes. Sounds like you have cracked the code - well done !