View Full Version : I STOP SMOKING TODAY!!!!!! Scared

06-11-06, 01:32
Hi there
Well finally the day has come that I stop smoking.
have been planning this for a month. Since starting on Beta Blockers
feeling less anxious and symptoms have eased off a bit so feel its NOW OR NEVER.

I went for an ECHOCardiogram test at hospital last week and this might be the last test they do as so far all others have come back normal.
They did find some Atrial Fibrulation in ECG test hence the ECHO test but the Cardiologist doesn't expect to find anything serious and he thinks
its just anxiety following stress of redundancy.

I was convinced I have Angina and at times feel that Imight have had a mild heart attack but Doctors think not. Good news I know - will wait for results of final test but still need re-assurance and waiting for medics to say 100% you DO NOT HAVE A HEART PROBLEM.

Whats this got to do with stopping smoking - well this is the first time that I have really wanted to stop - my health scare has scared me so much I know that I must. I want to use this and seize the moment of opportunity - the motivation to stop.
I'm scared however that the withdrawal and side effects of stopping smoking might trigger more panic attacks and I will have a relapse.
I must tell myself that panic attacks won't kill me but smoking can!

Just needed to off load - its 1-30 in the morning now and I'm smoking my last cigarettes - in the morning when I get up I WILL NOT SMOKE ANYMORE.

If anyone else has had similar experiences on giving up - good or bad
your advice and support will be very much appreciated.


06-11-06, 09:10
Hi Lilac good luck and hope you succeed, I realy want to stop now I only posted the other day about smoking this is the link to it

smoking (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=14420)

Some good replies there on smoking. Take care. Vernon

06-11-06, 10:01
Have a great day Lilac, it will be hard but keep us posted.

I used to smoke years ago but never really was addicted to it, giving up was down to cash...I couldn't afford to smoke and drink!!

I can't relate to the withdrawal stuff but I am aware that in the first few days your body will be readjusting to the effects of smoke inhilation. You will probably start to have a bit of a tickly cough...this is your throat and windpipe getting back to normal!!

Keep us posted as you could also help other people in here.

Have faith Lilac


Laissez les bon temp roulez

06-11-06, 14:42
Hi there and good for you, I gave up 4 years ago after smoking for many years, it never affected any of my anxiety/panic, I was the same whilst I smoked and after I stopped, but other health benefits started to show and for that i was so glad i stopped. you can do it!!!!Let us know how well you do. xx

06-11-06, 16:32
hi lilac

good luck. I want to give up smoking so badly but as yet have failed miserably. keep us posted on how you get on. it will be hard but so worth it.

06-11-06, 16:34
Well done Lilac.[Yeah!]:)[:P]:)

Ellen XX

06-11-06, 21:53
Well done you thats brilliant! Keep up the good work, if you are finding it hard try another habit like chewing some gum.

x x

06-11-06, 21:57
Lilac - it will be great when you get the all clear for the heart anxiety, at least then its another one knocked off the list and great! you can concentrate on the fags. I have been packed up for 5 weeks now with one teeny setback!! I had to go the the quit classes at the hospital and at first i honestly didnt think i could do it, but with a bit of encouragement and support (and patches, inhalator, nasal spray and gum)! hahalol. I have started to see myself as a non- smoker. this is a great feeling for me and im sure it will be for you too. hang in there and reap the benefits!!

Good luck


07-11-06, 12:27
hi lilac
good for you!!!!
i wish i could give up!!!
i recentley joined a stop smoking group,but the lady who was running it phoned me to say she,d cancelled it because not enough people signed up for it!!!!!!!!
so thats my excuse now!!!lol
i wish you all the best in giving up
let us know how you are doing!!!
take care
rachel x x

07-11-06, 14:49
GOOD LUCK LILAC!!IT CAN BE DONE!!I did it,i used inhalater thingies and they really helped!YOU CAN DOIT!lOVE MARY ROSE.XXXXXXXXXX

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

07-11-06, 17:16
hi am a smoker and iwish i could stop i have tried cutting down but i soon go back to smoking more i have read allan carrs book a couple of times and every night i say to my self i will stop but the next day after a couple of hours i start again i have had panic attacks and anxiety for years but this time they are not getting any better i don't go out now so my husband gets my fags for me a lot of people say to him if he didn't get my cigs i would have to stop or i would go out to the shop for them i feel awful for smoking because money is tight and i waste it smoking any way good luck with stopping smoking love marg

09-11-06, 12:49
I keep trying to give up smoking, a few weeks ago I was going a full day without a cigarette but now I have slipped back to my usual 10-15 a day!

I can say though that my anxiety was better the days I could last without a cigarette but my will power is so weak and old habits dont die easily for me!

I have bought allen carrs book but I am reading it very slowly, for some stupid reason I think I will miss smoking, hence reading the book slowly!

Try chewing gum and cranberry juice is supposed to lessen the nicotine withdrawl symptoms.

Good Luck with it! If you need a quitting partner, i will be one if that helps the motivation.

Also I only have a month left of smoking as I am determined not to be smoking at 30!

Good Luck!!

lesley mitchell
09-11-06, 17:38
Hi Lilac
I gave up 10 years ago after I found myself with a fag in one hand and an inhaler in the other. I used the chewing gum. It really helped as it gave me something else to do. I will say I used to smoke about 40 a day. I did have several attempts, but I never gave up giving up. Eventually it works. So don't worry if you have a set back just set a date and start again. I also found swimming helped. The fags kept getting soggy so I couldn't smoke them. Joking aside swimming does give you a buzz. Good luck.

09-11-06, 18:29
Hows it going Lilac?Just tosay i am thinkin of you,it aint easy mate thats for sure.Good luck,again!love mary rose.xxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

10-11-06, 00:05
Helo Lilac im no docter but .....one thought I have is this..... when people have a heart problem its thier heart not doing what it should
when we have a panic attack our heart rate goes high ! seems to me
that this is the opposite of a heart problem. I get concerned about whats going on but many people here have these fast heart beats very often.
concern about whats going on can be part of the panic process.
and as to being made redundant I was and started my own business as a printer and never looked back
On this Forum a Paramedic has made comments about panic attacks and the message is very reassuring from a qualified person

10-11-06, 01:51
Big THANK YOU to all of you for your kind words and support.
I did stop smoking on Sunday and I am very pleased to report
that I have not had a ciggy for 5 days!!!!!
I had been smoking for 35 years and the only times I had ever stopped was when I was pregnant (twice) but started again when they were born.

Its been hard especially as now I'm not working I'm at home all day.
But Iv'e been trying to keep busy - got a lot of housework done!!!
Even cleaned out the kitchen cupboards today much to my husbands amazement - he reckons that the house will be totally springcleaned
and as good as new by Christmas - Hmmm!
Seriously though - The worse times are when I have my coffee breaks.
and watching TV in the evenings and when on my computer
and the internet.
I bought some NiQuitin Mint Lozenges and have been using these
they help when I get bad cravings. I looked at the inhaler things
but was worried that might not wean me off the habit of having
something to puff on hold in my hand.

Withdrawal symptoms haven't been too bad -
Waking up very early in the morning is one.
Feeling light headed and spaced out.
Emotional and crying easily.
Haven't felt more anxious.
Eating more - sweets - not good.

I met my daughter for lunch and we went to a restaurant I would never go in before cos it was non-smoking.

I feel a great relief and sense of achievement - cos apart from my anxiety/panic attacks being brought on by the long term work stress and then redundancy.
one of the other things that was screwing me up inside was hating myself for still smoking - all my family have given up. My husband
gave up 12 years ago and thank goodness our daughters never started.
Even my Mum who is now 91 years old gave up from 60 a day at the age of 85!!!!

My next challenge is to complete 3 job applications without smoking
something I have never done (usually chain smoke when doing these as hate doing them) I must get these done next week.

Anyway thats it for now - for anyone who wants to try with me or needs to share their experiences I'm here for you.
Please keep your support coming I will let you know how I get on.

PS Still haven't had my results from Hospital.


10-11-06, 10:04
FAB news lilac,SOOO WELL DONE!!It is odd times you miss it i know,mine was on the phone!!Iwould chain smoke!!Glad you have found the lozenges helpful,i know what you mean about the 'sucky things'[as icalled them!!lol]never thought of that ,you are right tho!!The freedom it gives and the sense of achievment is wonderful,Good luck with your applications too!Love mary rose.,xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

10-11-06, 20:54

keep up the good work - it IS possible and you CAN do it.



10-11-06, 22:43
Hiya Lilac, just joined the site tonight. Well done for having the courage to stop. I stopped for 9 months but unfortunately I have gone back to the dreaded weed. I have to say that I had far less panic attacks when I wasn't smoking. I moved back to England from the US in March of this year and now I am having more panic attacks then ever!! Usually one a day and sometimes more. I have noticed that smoking seems to bring them them on so you really are doing the right thing. I am trying to find a day for me to quit as I know I will feel so much better.