View Full Version : Been overcoming well.

12-11-13, 01:38
So, ive been doing well with these horrid panic attacks. I can feel it coming on like a speeding train. When i stand still I feel like im standing on the front line of some war. Their terrifying. But ive learned to ignore them, as difficult as it is to do, I just kind of sit there watching and waiting for it to pass. It's the hardest thing to do, because my heart beats are 200 to 230 per minute when this happens and it beats really hard. But after a few minutes it fades. Then my eye does this hilarious twitchy thing really really fast and then i get very exausted, and my teeth, hands and feet tingle. Phew, just got over one. Anyways, God bless. ♥ :) :yesyes:

12-11-13, 08:43
well done that's good that u can just ignore it, ive kind of started doing the same thing with me alot of the time i feel tingling up my body and that's usually how mine start but sometimes they start differently. Anyway ive learnt to say to myself 'you been having these for nearly a year, calm down and don't panic' and usually they don't last very long only probably a couple of minutes. Happy for u :)