View Full Version : The tradegy in the phillapines.

Granny Primark
12-11-13, 03:09
I really count my blessings when Ive been watching the news about the phillapines. (forgive my spelling pse). Its heart breaking.
Its coming up to Christmas and if your anything like me you hoard things and clothes thinking they will come in useful or come back in fashion. (how many of us wore hotpants?) lol How many of us have got 1 or more toasters?
Im going have a big clearout and get rid of loads of things and clothes that we dont use or wear and send them to the Red Cross.There are loads of red cross charity shops in our town centres.
Please do the same.

---------- Post added at 03:09 ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 ----------

It isnt just clothes they want but the money the red cross raise at their charity shops goes towards disasters like this.

blue moon
12-11-13, 04:30
It is very sad.My husband does voluntary work with Doctors Beyond Boarders and is preparing to go over to Manilla....It would be wonderful if we can all donate to a charity.
Petra x

12-11-13, 09:36
You can donate to Oxfam too.

13-11-13, 20:45
When ever a natural disaster like this happens I always feel like I should donate money. I've recently donated to The British Red Cross but DEC works with all of the charities involved in collecting money for this cause. Millions of people have lost their homes and have no food or water and probably won't receive aid for a very long time. I think we should all chip in, even if it's only a £1.

13-11-13, 21:09

13-11-13, 21:30
Thanks 4the link. I am going to sort out a donation. It's horrible to see the suffering on the news....

13-11-13, 21:31
Can't watch this at minute - hope & prey for them. Yes we should count our blessings!

13-11-13, 22:00
Well this comment is bound to get some negativity but i no longer give to abroad full stop. The past few weeks i started looking into some of our own country's peoples problems.

Many people in this country are now taking their own lives every month, why? Because they cannot afford to live or in fear of having disability benefits taken from them. It really is an escalating problem. Feel free to look on the web and see for yourself how some of our own people are suffering. Who's speaking for or highlighting their hardships? Their being forgotten.

Lets help our own people out first and then others.

Yes a lot of you will think this an awful comment. But let me put it simply. If someone in your own family is suffering and then there is stranger with the same problems who would you help first?

13-11-13, 22:08
Vicki I have a friend with family in the Philippines who have lost their home and everything they had. I help people in my country all the time but this is a serious, tragic, disaster and I would rather go without something myself to be able to offer a donation to help the people in the Philippines. It doesn't really matter what country we are in, if we see someone in real need we should help as we are all human beings. Of course this is just my personal opinion and you are entitled to yours.

13-11-13, 22:17
That's true and i also respect your opinion to on the matter. I'm sure we can agree to differ.

blue moon
14-11-13, 01:24
It is part of the UN that all countries donate when such disasters happen in any country.People say the same thing here. That we should look after our own,we do but lt is hard to educate some people on this.


14-11-13, 13:23
I'd understand if people's lives were made that way because of poorly run governments, but when it's a natural disaster, an event we have absolutely no control over, you have to be sympathetic. My town suffered an earthquake in 2009 and we received help from all over the country, especially through the Sally Army.

A storm of that magnitude would ruin any country, even America. It was the strongest on record (winds nearly 200mph) and has left a massive devastation. It was not their fault it happened, the Philippines is a country that could maintain itself, but this level of devastation is so phenomenal that they need help to get their homes fixed, water supply back up and running and to clean up farm field. They need help to get their lives back to normal, so they can go back to being independent.

blue moon
14-11-13, 22:33
Well said Rennie x

14-11-13, 22:41
My friend with family in the Philippines shared this today

blue moon
15-11-13, 05:47
That is Lovely thanks for sharing Annie
Petra :D

Granny Primark
15-11-13, 07:26
Ive heard of the saying charity begins at home. But these philapinos have no home, no food and water. Not only that but alot of them have no family.
Lets cut down the stupid spending we do at Christmas and instead of buying yet another tin of chocolates send the £5 to these poor people. The amount of food we waste not just at Chrismas but all year round is a crime.
I was brought up not to waste food. My stale bread goes to feed the ducks down at the nature reserve.

15-11-13, 10:50
Annie - that is a beautiful photo.

15-11-13, 11:06
So the Philippines have no food, shelter etc. Put quite frankly that's their problem, not ours.

This may surprise you but here in the UK we also have homeless families, and people going cold and hungry and some of these people will be asking themselves why are we sending aid abroad when my own family needs help.
Don't forget we have food banks here now, that's because our own people are starving, many people also die of hypothermia each year in this country.

No sorry, lets sort out our own peoples problems first and once that's accomplished then we can worry about others.

I apologize for my bluntness but i wouldn't consider giving them one penny, not when i see our own people in shop doorways in this weather!

15-11-13, 11:10
Have you considered donating money to national causes?

15-11-13, 11:21
Rennie 1989,,,,Oh yes certainly, i give to many homeless people when i pass them. Take yesterday i gave a young woman £5, she was sat shivering in the underpass, she only looked about 19 bless her. On my way back from town i gave her the sandwiches i had bought for her and a hot coffee!

I take it your comment "Do you donate to national causes" was meant to put me in a bad light?? I think you need to read what i put more carefully, either that or go and see some of our own homeless people's suffering.

15-11-13, 11:39
Vicki, I am aware of people in our country suffering too but because I donate to the natural disasters in other countries does not mean I don't donate to charities here. I have bought food for the homeless and donated to Shelter and other charities for the homeless. Seeing the devastation in the Philippines however, the loss of homes and lives, people suddenly having everything taken away from them...I couldn't have it on my conscience not to offer some support.
I wonder Vicki if we had a similar disaster here, would you refuse the help from other countries? For me, it doesn't matter what nationality anyone is, we are all human beings and should support each other in times of great need.

15-11-13, 11:45
Fair point Annie, would i refuse the help from another country if that was me?

You do actually think they would help us then do you?

15-11-13, 11:47
It was an honest question, I was intrigued. I live near London so I do see a lot of homeless people, I understand how awful the situation is and I always feel for them during cold weather like this. I have donated money to charities who help those in poverty and homelessness but this is a situation the government must take control of, the charities are over stretched and always will be.

Whereas when it comes to natural disasters, these are rare events. These people have nothing and with aid they can rebuild their lives again and become independent once more. Once there they will no longer need our aid.

15-11-13, 11:51
Yes I believe they would and I am sure there is a UN agreement on this also. I do think that individuals would also offer help and support. At the moment I am just thankful that we haven't had to endure such devastation on such a huge scale as this.

15-11-13, 12:06
Yes but sadly there will always be natural disasters etc, and sooner or later our turn will come. That's the law of averages for you. My argument is still the same all that aid and money that has gone over there could have helped our own out. There are some awful, truly awful things happening in this country now we really shouldn't be sending aid abroad.

Not when little children are starving in this country and a mother is going out to work and having one meal a day because that's all she can afford!

Tell me i'm wrong? But please do the research first.

15-11-13, 12:12
Vicki, You are not wrong, I have been a single Mum with 3 young children and often went without food myself to give more to my children, now that I am in better circumstances than I was then I do help charities here as I said before but that doesn't stop me helping others in other countries.

15-11-13, 12:16
I am fully aware of the situation in this country. I know there are people in poverty, out of work and on the streets. Nobody here is saying that you're wrong, we're merely giving our two cents on the debate.

There will always be natural disasters, the same as there will always be people in poverty in the UK. We give money to Children in Need and other charities every year (or for Red Nose Day every two years) and yet the problem still exists. They get millions upon millions of pounds, and whilst there have been some great benefits thanks to them, the problem needs to be addressed by the government.

It's not just us sending aid, it's many other countries too. We are all human beings living on one planet and I agree with Annie and the others that we should help when something like this happens. And to answer your question as to whether others would help us if we were in crisis: Yes. USA helped us fight against Nazi Germany when they didn't have to. And if countries let us down at our time of need we would all think twice about helping them, other nations could not afford to let us down.

15-11-13, 12:30
I appreciate that Annie, really i do, and i have to be honest and say i have been lucky enough not to be in that position myself,(touch wood). I don't know how long it is since you were in this situation but in the past two years it has got into desperate stages in this country probably much worse than you refer to yourself. I apologize for that remark if your situation was that bad.

Here's a couple of for instance's but true stories all the same. One woman who worked 30 hours a week was eating 2 slices of toast and a apple a day, that was it and that went on for weeks. Her sacrifice was so her child could have two meals a day!

Another single father became severely malnourished after eating mostly only weetabix for 3 months, again that's all he could afford. I accept these severe hardship stories are only from about the last two years so i'm not saying it's been this bad for ever and a day but where's the mega media appeals to help these poor souls? Or is their suffering less?

blue moon
15-11-13, 13:27
Sometimes it is hard to educate folk on the subject of sending money,food and water oversees I came from Iran where most of the pôwerful nations had embargos,we had an horrific earthquake there not long ago,killed over 150 thousand and left many many folk homeless but under the UN act they received food water tents and monies from these çountries.I have been involded with World Vision Aus and my husband is over there at the momemt doing voluntary work with Doctors Beyond Boarders......Even sending old eyeglasses is helpful Vickie you do not have to send money,maybe a quiet prayer for them......Remember but for the grace of God go I it could be you instead of them.
Petra x

Granny Primark
15-11-13, 14:06
Vicky why have turned this thread into an argument?
If you choose not to give then thats your perogative.
Im just wondering if you give anything to anybody.
Its a good job everyone else doesnt think like you.
Ive seen people begging in our city centre with blankets wrapped round them and a begging bowl in front of them.
They had a can of lager underneath the blanket and they smelt of weed.

15-11-13, 15:44
Granny primark "Vicki why have turned this thread into a argument"

Oh i'm sorry Lynn, sorry to speak up for the children and families in this country who are also suffering hardships. Maybe i should just be quiet in order to keep you happy.

It seems ignorance really is bliss, Please don't anyone post further on this subject, it seems it may upset Lynn, she does not like people having their own opinion, just hers.

Take care Vicki xx

15-11-13, 16:04
Vicki we are aware of the hardships of some people in this country. In my last job I worked with families in terrible conditions and as I said I support them too. It still won't stop me supporting others in need. I am sure they would do the same for us if we were in the same situation.

---------- Post added at 16:04 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02 ----------

Blue moon that is a great and compassionate thing that your husband is doing.

15-11-13, 20:15
Yes but sadly there will always be natural disasters etc, and sooner or later our turn will come.

I feel rather depressed after reading that. Not to mention it made me feel scared too. I hate thinking about natural disasters & the idea of something "getting me" isnt very pleasant. As a child, things like this scared the life out of me & if I let my mind run riot, I'd end up like it now.

I don't really know what to say as I don't want to make the situation here worse but I feel saddened about where this thread has gone or might be going.

One thing for sure is I recognise in people here that they all care & do not wish others to suffer so there is common ground.

Let us not forget that deep down, whichever viewpoint we may hold (that we are all entitled to have) we all would like to help people. If that is what we are able to do it is not only wonderful for the people who receive that help (in whatever form it may be) but along the way, we can also do this in a way that gives us satisfaction & fulfilment too. Thus we are all winners.

blue moon
15-11-13, 23:32
Open your eyes Vickie,we are here to give opinions.I may not have the writing skills of some but still î can have a voice.I am one person that has witnessed and seen devistation and the effects it has on people just like you and I.To see the good people do first hand îs heartwarming.If you feel strongly about homeless and poor in your country maybe you should volunteer to help feed them,it is very rewarding and helps you realise how small our issues really are.
Petra :hugs:

16-11-13, 00:15
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be able to express them if others disagree or not without fear of it turning into an argument.... personally I can see both sides to the argument on this one and there really is no need to argue about who has it worse or what people do to help.

Stop the arguments or the thread will be closed !

Granny Primark
16-11-13, 06:55
Well said Venus. Lets have compassion for all our fellow human beings.

16-11-13, 20:26
I have only just read this thread. As a Christian we are often asked 'who is your neighbour? It is the homeless person in the street as much as the person crying on our screens saying they have no drinking water and nothing to eat. We have a food bank in our city as well as a homeless night shelter and soup kitchen. It is hard sometimes to dig deep and we all have our own favourite charities. I prefer my own giving to be personal but my family know who I will be giving to. We are still very affluent compared to most counties in the world. It is up to us to respond as individuals or not as we choose. EJ

17-11-13, 16:33
Thank you for your response on this particular subject Elizabeth Jane.xxx

17-11-13, 18:16
Well not to worry, we are all entitled to our own opinions and views.

After all that's what makes the world go round, and that's just the way the old cookie crumbles as they say.