View Full Version : Please help just a question about my sons ankle

12-11-13, 02:39
I just have a question, I should feel ok but I am still worried. My son has this lump just above his ankle that is 2cm by 2cm. He has had a number of tests to check this lump. Hes had x rays, MRI and Ct scan and it showed its not cancer they said its ossification . But the lump on his ankle sometimes seems a bit bigger and I am worried that the tests could have missed something. Should I still be worried or ask for more tests? He is 16 and is very active with sports and hockey.

12-11-13, 06:42
Lisa I can understand and appreciate your fear. No matter how old our children get we still worry about them. However I would imagine that your son's had a very thorough series of tests from what you've said.

If you remain concerned discuss your fears with your family doctor. Sometimes a good chat does wonders. And, in the event you don't understand fully what ossification is ask the doctor for clarity. I'm sure your son is fine :hugs:

12-11-13, 19:52
Thank you for the reply :)

12-11-13, 20:22
My son had one on his lower leg at about the same age. nothing to worry about.