View Full Version : heart worries

12-11-13, 03:33
Hi been off and on site over the years my anxiety just started to get bad again. Getting hi bp readings in the process of getting test done in the mean time dr wants me to monitor it at home and I keep get high readings and I'm getting more worried.150/100 then I exercise and it comes down to 130 /80. Then it goes back up and I can feel pressure in my head and get more stressed. Anyone with this problems.

12-11-13, 08:16
Kahi I can't help you re the blood pressure because there are some things that just don't sink in, one of which is blood pressure readings. Having a few nurses in the family kinda makes me think that I don't need to know what I can easily ask them ... :D

It sounds as though you and your doctor have got it covered and unless he or she is flapping and booking you straight into hospital I'd try and calm down and not get too het up over it. Most times it's our anxiety that drives these things up anyway.

And I think you'd get a better response (from folks that experience the same) if this was in the health anxiety sub-forum.

Anyway, hope you're feeling a bit more settled :)

14-11-13, 23:55
Thank you for your reply yes getting things taken cared at the moment.

15-11-13, 12:38
Hi, I was in the same boat for years. Always high at the Drs and when I started trying to take it at home it was really high.....however....after calming a bit and taking it again it was lower and so I persevered until I was getting normal readings. this did not happen overnight as I felt stressed every time I approached the machine! However,the very relief that they were normal made the BP machine a friend instead of the feared enemy and now my readings are around 116 over 70 most days.
I am glad that the Dr has sorted out tests etc and if they are OK maybe you are like I was and have a phobia about the BP taking. Having overcome this has made a huge positive difference to my life. X:hugs:

18-11-13, 23:33
thanks valley I just did it to myself again so anxious to take it and it was 140s' over 90 so of course now im more annoyed and anxious about it:weep: