View Full Version : Great Start.........Not

06-11-06, 08:08
Hi guys
Not been on here for ages. Things haven't been too bad i suppose until this morning. And thats what i love about this site is the fact that you can come on here rant and rave and nobody minds.

I feel crap for want of a better word.......i've cried 3 times already and its not even 8 o'clock [Duh!]. Once when i woke up, 2nd time taking my husband to get his lift and 3rd time now.

I think i know whats causing it.....my eldest daughter went in hospital for a tonsillectomy last week and i know i got myself all worried about everything. We went in on Monday and came home Wednesday. Once we were home I was on my own with the girls (hubby was working away) so I was running around like a headless chicken. At night was having to wake up to give my daughter medicine. Then she took a slight turn for the worse so got her to doctors.......turns out she's got an infection so yet more medicines. Hubby came back Friday only to fall asleep in chair most of friday night, Saturday night he spent most of it round his mates and yesterday he was on computer all day.......whilst i was still running round :(. I was tired i knew that but thought i was coping ok till last night where i started getting the pains in left arm again followed by the most awful chest pain....which went after about ten minutes but even so scared the life out of me AGAIN [Sigh...].

What annoys me the most is when i woke up at 6.15 the FIRST thing i thought of was how i felt last night and now thats kicked it all off again......think i've convinced myself that somethings gonna happen (you guys know what i'm getting at). Trouble is i'm on my own again (hubby back working away) and i need to stop feeling like this before i go completely nuts.

Thanks for reading, probably don't make sense lol


06-11-06, 10:25

Sound like you are having a rotten time of it at the moment!! Does your husband know how you feel?? He didn't come over as being terribly supportive this weekend!

Sounds a bit like the situation you are in at the moment is creating flashbacks for you and bringing all those anxious moments to the fore. Remember you havent been here for a while as you havent felt the need and that means you were coping with everything really well!!

Try to latch onto the good stuff and find time for yourself....easier said than done I know!!

Take care and remember you are not alone here


Laissez les bon temp roulez

06-11-06, 13:10
((((((((((((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))))))))))))) sorry to hear your having such a bad time Tracy,hope your daughter feels better soon.;)

Ellen XX

06-11-06, 14:34
Hi darling, it's called exhaustion!! Is there any wonder you feel as you do mate? You have had a rough few weeks, and then hubby returns and guess what????? blooming useless sometimes aren't they? What you feel is only natural, what does come across to me is that you know exactly why you feel like this and that it is panic/anxiety and that it will fade....you deserve a rest- nice bubble bath/glass of wine (any chance?) I can promise, nothing bad will happen although these feelings are bad enough, and you are certainly not nuts!!!!!! You have done good, you need a rest now though if only eh? Hope your daughter is a little better too xxxxxxjean

07-11-06, 17:49
Hi Tracy,

sounds likes you've had a lot to cope with, the worry about your daughter and tiredness would make anyone feel ill. I find that when I am tired its harder to ignore any feelings of anxiety. You're probably not sleeping well still with your daughter poorly, and at a time when you need your sleep more!

Try to think of the positive things, I know its not easy when the anxiety feels close, but remember how well you've been doing, and will do again when you manage to rest and catch up with yourself! [8D]


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.