View Full Version : Its back

Silly Blonde
06-11-06, 09:03
Hi all

I haven't been here for a while as I have been feeling quite good. Sods law, just as I thought I was ok, my physical symptoms have raced back.

Got this horrible pain between my shoulder blades - I thought it was acid reflux that has burned my oesophagus - but I really don't know. Stomach pains are also back, but never at the same time - that makes me worry 'cos I imagine that I have a huge tumour growing inside me that presses on different bits depending on where it is.

I just wish this would all go away - I hate it that it comes back and bites you on the bum - just when you're feeling great:(

06-11-06, 13:14
I know how you feel. I thought I was "recovering" really well, then it all came back. Just try to think of this as a little blip to test your coping skills.

I'm sure your physical symptoms are all anxiety-related. My latest "coping" strategy is to try and set a date by when I will allow myself to start worrying about my symptoms - be it 2 days, 4 days, a week or whatever. Then by the time my deadline comes along, the original symptoms have gone but I'll be stressing about something else!

Hope you're feeling better soon


06-11-06, 13:20
Hi there your symptoms sound very familiar to me and mine are all due to anxiety.Try not to worry,easier said than done I know!!!!I really dont think its a tumour,I used to think like you to.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

Silly Blonde
06-11-06, 14:01
Thanks both,

I've been soooo busy at work over the last few weeks, and a really close friend of mine left a week ago. I have been feeling great - yet the minute she left........bingo..........back came the heartburn type crampy pain in my upper back, with all the IBS stuff. I guess that should tell me everything!!!!

I keep telling myself that in April I had a pelvic ultrasound and it was fine (no sign of anything at all anywhere near my ovaries) and I had a blood test a couple of months ago (iron, thyroid and full blood count) and that was clear too! So I guess I'm as healthy as I can be!

I really MUST start exercising - I'm sure all my aches and pains will disappear if I got off my larger (thanks to mirtazapine) ar*e and did something!!!!

Thanks again!!