View Full Version : General advice and struggling.

Andrew d
12-11-13, 10:47
Hello I am after advice really, I shall start at the beginning.

Me and my wife split up temporary 9 months ago, I had been on sertraline for a few years and seemed to be ok with them. Three weeks ago I felt they were not working for me as they should, I was having little motivation again feeling very anxious, very lathargic. I saw my gp and changed to Prozac 20mg daily.

A few days after swapping the meds my marriage finally ended the split was permanent. I am now at rock bottom, not ate proper for two weeks, feeling anxious and nausea all the time, no mojo at all, very very lathargic want to stay in bed all day. Obviously this is affecting my work. I saw my gp last night and explained how I felt. He was unsure to up the Prozac dose to 40mg, he kept it at 20 in the end for another month. I am really struggling at the moment and unsure what to do, stay on 20 or upto 40 myself, I hate feeling like this and don't know how much more I can take.

12-11-13, 10:53
Hi Andrew, I'm sorry you're going through this, it's difficult enough having anxiety without the stress of your marriage ending.

Are you getting any other support apart from the meds from your GP? Have you considered a therapist or marriage counsellor to help you through this? It sounds like you could use someone to help you through it.

Andrew d
12-11-13, 11:24
I am seeing a therapist of sorts which I am now seeing once a week. It helps on the days I see her but the rest of the time I'm back to square one.

12-11-13, 11:42
It help if you stopped looking at it as square 1 - just take each day individually as it comes, rather than getting frustrated about not feeling good. You're going through something really difficult, it's ok to feel bad, just keep working on it. Don't be so hard on yourself, be gentle and kind as you would to anyone you care about going through the same thing.

When you say therapist if sorts, are they actually trained to help you through something like this?