View Full Version : Mum's Scan

12-11-13, 10:53
My mum had a scan yesterday. They couldn't find her ovaries and I did the worst thing I went to Dr Google. Very scared she is all the family I have. I mean I have my partner but since my grandfather passed she is all I have. The strange thing is that I have all the symptoms of the illness (it shall not be named and shall not be given credit) I have been ill for months had a scan gall stones even though I told my GP I didn't think it was. But with HA there is this thing to pacify. My mother is worrier and so am I. Fortunately, she has not connected the dots, the person scanning my mother said they will contact the gynaecologist promptly. How do I change my way of thinking to help her and me.

12-11-13, 11:01
Hi Beth, it's hard to change how you're thinking but it's a good way to look at this instead of allowing yourself to panic :)

I find the thing that works best is simply accepting the fact that you can't control what happens here, and you also can't predict the future. So don't assume that this means something bad, you are catastrophising the situation into one that simply doesn't exist.

I know you're worried about losing your mum, but you're projecting that fear onto this situation and assuming an outcome that hasn't even been suggested by her doctors.

The best thing you can do is try to relinquish the control in your mind, the worrying will do neither of you any good. Instead offer support in small ways, be kind and aware of the fact that she might be a bit worried herself.

The next step for you is to work on the anxiety around losing your mum, it might be a good one to work on in counselling or CBT to help you work on that fear x