View Full Version : Hi i'm Mike

12-11-13, 12:51
I just found this web sight and thought i would give it a try..
I'm 30 years old have been suffering from many things since i was 11 years of age..Here is a list of what many doctors have diognosed me over the many years.Stress disorder, Ptst. Depression. Anxity disorder.The list goe's on and on.Feeling like i'm not getting anywhere ..Been taking many prescription drugs over the years..some for sleeping ..some for pain ..some for anxity.some for depression..At times i feel all the doctors want to do is just give me a pill. to get rid of me..

My problems all started when i was 11 i wittnessed my father shoot himself in the heart..i was brought up never to cry always be tough..my father was very old fashioned..14 months later my elder brother died in a car crash..this left me to take care of my mother and younger sister..2 years later i found my younger sister dead in her bedroom..she had over dosed..My life has been full of grief..But i do want to get help..I;m sick of taking pills..so if there's any one on here that wants to talk that would be great..I'm not sure how to use this sight just yet..As i ;m new ..But i'm willing to learn..Thank-you ..Mike..:winks:P.s. i don;t know what a tag is?

12-11-13, 12:56
Mike you certainly have gone through a lot of traumatic experiences. I was diagnosed with PTSD and was given Intensive Psychotherapy which helped me a lot. Maybe you could do something similar?

12-11-13, 13:05
Hope this is where i reply to you ..Yes thank-you for your reply i will look into that..I live in canada ..will see what they have to offer..Again thanks..I was born in north wales uk..little village called colwyn bay..5am here been up since 3am..thats another big factor can;t sleep or very little ..sometimes i go for days without sleeping..Hope your doing good..Please forgive me about rambling on..this is my first time opening up to people..Mike:ohmy:

12-11-13, 13:05
Hi mike, youve been yhrough so much, you deserve major credit for even being positive about needing help. You say that your dad was old fashioned and you were meant to cry? Have you ever just sat and cried about it, or allowed yourself to just feel it in any way? I mean it hasnt seemed to help anyone in your family to just keep it in, and I mean that in the most respectful way possible.T.

blue moon
12-11-13, 13:06
Hello Mike and welcome to the site.I can relate to your story,I have witnessed and seen a lot of death and heartaache in my life,that has left me wiith Gad and post traumatic disorder but gradually after long therapy sessions and now living insafe country am much better,I still have my baddays but I now have the tools to manage them.........I hope you make friends here and enjoy the site

Petra x:D

12-11-13, 13:09
Hi Mike,I totally understand what you mean regarding old fashioned.Ive struggled to long trying to tell my self everything is ok and trying to block things out.the relief of just talking is massive.
you sound very brave

12-11-13, 13:12
Hello t*..Thank-you for your reply..I have tried many times in the past to cry..but can't even when my sister passed i did not cry..i have a lump in my throat ..its painful..sometimes hard to swallow..i told my doctor about this..he did some tests on me xrays etc..found nothing..I think it could be linked to not crying..I hope your having a good day..Cheers from Canada..

12-11-13, 21:14
This is my first post here - I have been hovering and afraid to tell my story. Thank you for yours (and major thanks to Nicola who hosts this site - it has been a lifeline). My story is very similar to yours and I am in therapy for it now. This is sadly private and expensive, but is all that I have found to help so far. I am not a medical professional, but I think your anxiety, depression, etc is in fact entirely normal given your circumstances, BUT YOU CAN OVERCOME IT. Please be strong. Seek all (sensible) help you can. Good food, meds if appropriate, counselling if at all possible. But find the right one. This is my third and I finally have faith. Stick with it. Please avoid alcohol at all costs - it exacerbates anxiety, brings on mega attacks of panic, and is generally depressing. You are worth more. My childhood experiences were true hell, but I would say truly they do not have to define you (except to make you a better person).

I'm so sorry for your terrible losses Mike.


12-11-13, 21:40
Allow Mike

You and me should write a book as I have been through the same kind of thing as yourself... Yes there are ways not to take pills... My GP said to me years ago, here you are, have these pills, and I said, well I don't really want to take all these relaxing pills, and he said, that's fine, you are entitled to have them, but if you don't take them, then you are in even more control of yourself.. and that was my feeling anyway.. basically I have known people who have gone from pill to pill to pill throughout their lives and they are no better... it's down to you to decide whether you can hack life without pill support....As I said I have been through the same kind of thing as yourself, so I *know* how all that feels... I often get panic attacks, feel down, feel anxious, feel as though I am not here sometimes, with aches and pains on top, everyone is different.. but just to let yer know, just don't bother with the pills...you*will* come out the other side in the end, and you *will* feel better in the end...trust me:)) Hard as it may seem at times, being with different people, and trying to live a new life can also be a big help.....that's what I have found.. but of course I still get the panics etc etc, but I just learn to control it and it goes away.
All *the* best....and let us know how it goes.

12-11-13, 22:21
Mike, I've been through this with tablets and no tablets. I think if you take tablets, get other help too - it is in only my opinion the best. But tablets can help for some people, no doubt, to get through the worst lows. Whatever you choose, you'll get through it, but if you feel hopeless get medical help urgently. I know this is a site for anxiety and all associated problems. So frequent trips to casualty are common - I know from experience. But if you feel totally beyond do not harm yourself.