View Full Version : my symptoms

12-11-13, 14:53
hi everyone this is my first post on here and im not great at grammer my opoliges anyhow iv been studdying the forum etc and i just wanner say sorry to every who has to go through these things every day it horible ill start with my story when i was a child i used to feel a slight flutter in my heart like butteryflies followed by a thump maybe once a month or so any way as i got older things took a turn for the worse and when i was 17 i was sat in my mums car and felt one of those flutters only this time it was a lot more intense and went on for a while i had several which made me feel very unwell i told my mum she took me to docs who did an ecg and he said mmm interesting he said st elevation in leeds v1 and v3 suspected mi now i didnt know what that meant but it didnt sound good he sent me to hospital they did many tests and that night i was discharged went home a lot of this is hazy but i kept getting these flutters and it gave me panic attacks and anxiety really bad i could not get on a bus ect was scared to death went to hospital many times for many tests tried many pills beta blockers thyroid meds dizapan hated the dizapan made me worse eventually went on seroxat aka peroxitine now i sort of got used to the fluttering butterflies heart sensations i was having over the years they never really went away and sometimes my anxiety would flare up but not too often now im gonna fast forward to march this year this was what i can discribe as my turning point as regards symptoms etc first of all one night i was doin some press ups before bed got a sweat on when i layed in bed i started to get light headed like i was going down in a lift very dizzy unsteady etc was treated for vertigo anxiety came back and i felt awfal each and every single day now a couple of months ago the ectopics started again really powerfull and its now taking over my life once again an averige day for me now starts 5;30 am wake up feel a little flutter or 2 and anxious feel so drained and tied weak before i even get out of bed when i do get up i feel weak fluttering heart beat that can last a few secs comes and goes all day im shaky all day when im at work i feel semi conscious fluttery heart anxious 24/7 iv not had a normall day since march im worrid i have an ayrithmear thats developed over the years iv just had an event cardiac monitor waiting for results i sweat far more and feel hotter all time than i used to i tried citalopram for one day but it made me so much worse and im not 100% on this but i had the biggest flutter that day i took it it made me feel faint and everything i try telling the docs its all pysical with me but they always say anxiety i now have depression to add to this im sick of the way i feel every morning i wake and pray for a normal day not a good one just a normal symptom free day sorry to go on so long with sutch bad grammer and spelling so thats me tell me if it makes any sence what so ever thank u for reading:weep:

---------- Post added at 14:53 ---------- Previous post was at 14:43 ----------

sorry forgot to add im noe 31 and the ectopics have been going on for 14 years

12-11-13, 17:03
Bigdale sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I think you need to go back to the docs and maybe try another anti depressent. Cipralex seems to be the one with the least side effects - you can read the posts on the forum or check the medication section for more information I know it doesn't feel like it but ALL of your symptoms are common with anxiety. I would recommend you order one of Claire Weekes books (you can get them cheap on Amazon) very old fashioned they explain very simply why you suffer all these symptoms and how to overcome them. Its important not to fight your symptoms as this creates more fear. Also down load some progressive muscle relaxation and visualisation tracks - they really can help calm you down but you need to practice, practice, practice until you really feel you are relaxing properly. There are a couple of help lines No Panic 0800 138 8889 or Anxiety 08444 775774 if you need to talk to someone and there is loads of help on this forum which makes you feel you are not alone You can get over this and recover - just believe in yourself and reach out and get as much help as you can Its a tough journey but you are not alone.. Take care

12-11-13, 17:27
Thank u for gettin back to me only when I relax a little I still get the ectopic beats which just lately are so scary my anxiety is increasing every day because of them it feels like I could have a cardiac arrest any min I feel so ill I'm close to loosing my job over this and If I do me and my family will be homeless feel like I'm the only one right now :o(

13-11-13, 08:31
You will still get the ectopic beats when you relax as your body is still in a heightened state of anxiety and your adrenal glands have become sensitised and it takes time for them to calm down. The symptoms dont go away completely when you relax but the more you do it the less sensitive your nerves become and your symptoms will start to slowly subside but I am afraid it doesnt happen overnight. What you need to do is stop fighting it and worrying and adding more fear. If you pm me your e-mail address I will forward you some stuff I have downloaded.

---------- Post added at 08:31 ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 ----------

Oh and PS NO ONE has ever come to any harm through anxiety! It feels like the worse thing in the world but i promise you it CANNOT harm you! You will not have a heart attack even though it feels like it - Make sure you get one of Claire Weekes books and go back to your GP and get a referral for counselling.

15-11-13, 08:24
Hi Bigdale How are you doing? You feeling any better yet?

15-11-13, 10:15
hi vonnyj still not better but hopefully will be when the results of this monitor come back thank u for all the reading material i am trying to get through it all it just seems if only i could get rid of the fluttering heart then i would just feel fine hope u are well thanks once again for your help

15-11-13, 13:25
I will bet you £100 that all your tests come back clear!!! Lol! It is a horrible symptom though - honestly try just accepting it and thinking oh so what it is just my anxiety its not real - its not going to ruin my life. Dont try and push it away .... just say to yourself so what my heart is fluttering its not dangerous.. flutter away. I know its easier said than done but it does work if you learn to really accept it and carry on with what you are doing. I had constant nausea for over 2 months until I read about just accepting.. it has gone now and I have managed to put weight back on and that is how I did it. Take care think the books I sent you tell you exactly the same.

29-01-14, 02:12
Vonnyj can you please email that info?

29-01-14, 10:38
Just wanted to say hope u start to feel better soon Bigdale82. The symptoms u get are exactly the same as mine.

---------- Post added at 10:38 ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 ----------

Just wanted to say thank you Vonnyj for your positive fed back to Bigdale82. Has really helped me.x