View Full Version : Introducing myself when I am trying to find myself

12-11-13, 23:33
Hello all

I am new here and came across this site via a blog I found while I was searching for sertraline information.

I am not sure what is wrong with me but I know I am not quite right.

I can go in to more details but to cut a long story short, with things that have happened in my life this has put me where I am now and I feel I do not know myself anymore.

I am unsure if the medication is working, if I am normal or not.

I am currently on lustral 50mg and have been on it for 2 weeks.

Doctor said I will find my mood will lift and I will have more motivation.

I don't currently feel that way yet, I feel very, how can I put this....confused

It is quite ironic I am introducing myself to you as I currently do not know who the real me is.

I have no idea what medical condition I have, if any. I do know I have had issues lately

I am currently trying to find myself if that makes sense?

13-11-13, 02:17

Welcome to the forum from another newbie :)

Best wishes for your journey. I hope the medication helps you to discover who you are and helps you to feel a bit better about things.