View Full Version : Help?

12-11-13, 23:57

I keep having good and bad days. Today was a very good day until I had a very dizzy spell at work. I'm now home but I have a very sore head, unbelievably sore head. I don't know what is wrong with me. I feel like I'm going to die at any moment. I had an ECG a few months back, everything was fine. Then I stupidly took a legal high and had a huge panic attack from it and though I was having a heart attack. Do you think because I had a panic from that I'm now a complete health worrier, I seem to think I have heart problems now. I know I was stupid doing that but I really need help. :(

13-11-13, 01:39
yes its all from panic attack I was the same way about 5 years ago and last night it hit me again worried about my blood pressure. went to the dr today and it was normal still at work no sleep yet 2 more hours. got all the pressure in the head and chest and arm burning last night cause of ha adrenalin. I know its hard not to worry but that's the problem. im gonna start taking my med again after todays dr visit I decided to try it again was doing well with out it for years. hope things get better fast for you.:)

13-11-13, 05:17
Cammy all sounds about right for panic attacks and anxiety, honest. I hope you're feeling better by the time you're up and about the morra and ... do I have to lecture the point about using daft products (legal highs)? They may well be legal but facts are facts - they're dangerous. No more messing with filth that's not tested!

On a final note - you'll be fine :)

13-11-13, 12:52
Hey Andria, well I know it was completely idiotic of me. I haven't touched anything and never will after my experience. I also managed to harness my anxiety and stop smoking and drinking :) but I never had anxiety before trying this 'legal' high. Silly boy!

13-11-13, 12:56
I forget which now Cammy but one of them contains a desiccated product that's used as a commercial cleaner on the continent. Worrying.

Anyway, how are you this fine morning?