View Full Version : Fed up of this life

13-11-13, 00:36
Im 23 in april, im not independent, i manage to go out with someone, but never ever alone. I am on the CbT waiting list. I feel like i am the biggest let down ever. I am worrying about most things and thinking about the future makes me panic and heart race.
I have been in a big mess since leaving school when i was 16, i had agrophobia, to the point where putting a foot out the front door become a dream. I can do that now.
But i need to be able to work and get my own place, i am petrified of life. I really need some advice how to deal with this :(

13-11-13, 02:23

Unfortuately this kind of illness (if you'd like to call it that) takes time to get better. It takes time to get used to medication, it takes time to get in to therapy then it takes time to work on all the things you need to work on. CBT has been shown to have great benefits for anxiety and panic though so it's great you are on the list.

I too have times where I just feel like the biggest letdown and wonder why on earth my husband married me, but underneath the panic and the sadness there is good and you have that too. It's hard to remember we are not our panic or anxiety disorder.

If you're feeling this low a visit to your doctor might be of some use. Hang in there.