View Full Version : Citalopram still not working?

13-11-13, 00:40
Hi guys. I've now been taking citalopram 20mg for about 7 weeks. I still get very anxious, mainly about chest pains and dying and confusion about life. I am still waiting for the day I wake up feeling wonderful but I'm starting to believe it won't happen for me. Is it still early days? I feel very ill and think I have an underlying illness, I feel dizzy and nauseous a lot of the time. Anyone got any advice for me please! I think I'm going nuts lol x

13-11-13, 00:44

You need to do "other" things alongside medication as that alone will not cure you of this

Are you getting any therapy and doing any self-help things?

13-11-13, 01:48
Nope I think I'll make an appointment with the doctors tomorrow and ask for cbt or something. Just don't know how to go about it, I can't even explain how I feel I'm that confused :(

jenny kilden
14-11-13, 10:39
Oh cammy I hear ya loud and clear!!
I think the dizzy n nausea is the worst bit!
I have been on the upped dose of 15 for zbout 4 weeks,
Was doing good until I came down with dizzy flu like symptoms a few days ago,
Now I feel awful again, dread on waking with that anxiety in my stomach.
Feel like not hungry again. What is happening? Have the meds been messed up CID I had a cold? Or am I just bad again??
It's really hard to no what's what with this crappy anxiety.
I have booked for cbt, just waiting on hearing back now.
Maybe you should try that.
Have you been on cit before? I have last year and came off too soon, which is why I'm back here again!!! ����
Maybe you should speak to your dr about upping? They do work you have to give them time. I found that reading Claire weekes books helped x
Xxx jenny

14-11-13, 20:58
Well I was the exact same! After I felt better I stopped taking cit, then within a few months I felt terrible again. So I wish I never stopped taking it. I'm now about 7 weeks in and still feel terrible. I'm going to call the docs tomorrow and see about cbt. How do I ask? I think he will say it's not necessary :( xx

14-11-13, 22:44
the dizzyness can be due to anxiety tho,