View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes & trip to the doctor making me anxious

13-11-13, 06:04
I have a mild tooth abscess (no pain) and a fungal infection on my scalp, which has caused a node in my neck to swell.

Went to the doctor today and he was totally not concerned, told me I'll be fine until my trip to the dentist in 7 days and gave me fungal shampoo as well as antibiotics for my scalp and tooth.

I have SEVERE panic attacks that last sometimes hours, as well as mild ones that can last all day. So I have been experiencing random side effects from the attacks which are making me believe I have lymphoma or a deadly infection or something.. Because I became a google maniac. I know people have swollen lymph glands all the time, my sister has had them twice the size of a baseball because of strep throat and she is fine.

I have such a hard time trusting doctors while I'm dealing with panic attacks..

13-11-13, 08:49
It sounds as though your doctors are pretty good and on the ball. You don't have lymphoma. And Dr Google huh? You trust what amounts to an engineered search engine, one that works via an algorithm so big and complex that very very few people on the planet can understand it ... but not the sentient beings that have years of training and experience?

You know the sense of what I'm saying. I'd go back to discuss the anxiety disorder if I was you. That's your biggest problem. Hope you're feeling better soon :hugs: