View Full Version : Feeling a little anxious this morning

13-11-13, 06:24
Morning guys
I wrote on Friday telling you that I slipped and fell on my tailbone
And after being x rayed its confirmed as a fracture
The most painful injury may I add, anyway been layed up in bed since then and today I'm finally up walking a little it's absolutely excruciating pain getting up from a laying position to standing and Vic versa
And I won't even go there in regards to using the loo ( bloody ouch)
Anyway I have woken up today feeling anxious and worried as a HA sufferer I am naturally thinking its worse than what it is, the doc didnt check anything just said there is a small fracture present and I have to wait it out and sent me home with a dognut seat and pain killers! I haven't took the painkillers as I worry I might have a reaction to them I heard they can cause stomach bleeds and I'm only taking paracetamol so I'm suffering with pain and feeling a bit sick today
Can anyone advice me on anti inflammatory pills are they safe? Thank you

13-11-13, 06:47
Earthmum that sounds horrible, you poor thing!

If you have any questions about what's going on then have a chat with your doctor, they shouldn't leave you not understanding what's going on. With the x ray they will have seen any other problems, so you don't need to worry here and you'll help yourself by relaxing and accepting the situation.

Anti inflammatories are safe yes, your doc wouldn't give you something that wasn't! They are used all the time for muscle pain. I think what you are thinking of is the fact that they raise acid levels slightly in the stomach, so they can be tough on people who have a sensitive tummy and they're not recommended if you have existing stomach problems like ulcers. That's not because they'll make you bleed but because they can irritate the problem and make it sore. It's good to take them with food to lessen their effect on your tummy, don't take them on an empty stomach. Because I have a sensitive tummy I find them hard going, so I only take them rarely when I genuinely need them.

I hope your fracture heals ASAP so that you're not in pain for much longer, sounds like a nasty injury to have x

13-11-13, 07:00
Aww thank you so much Honeylove
My husband is going to take me to the pharmacist later to get something as he is moaning at me, he can't understand why I'm allowing my self to go through this pain, but yes I will take them, the doctors here do not explain anything ( I live abroad) maybe he thought its a fracture nothing to talk about go home and let it heal, which is fine but not for a HA sufferer
Lol thanks again really appreciate you replying and easing my worries !

13-11-13, 07:31
It sucks being a place where the docs don't talk to you properly! I think it's always a good thing to speak with your patients and help them understand what's wrong and how they can help themselves. Maybe next visit prepare some questions so you can be sure to ask everything you need to know. It's hard having HA!

It's a good idea to try the tablets out, they will probably help your pain a lot more than paracetomol. I know with HA it's hard to take new drugs, I have that problem myself, but sometimes it's worth the risk rather than being in pain like you are. X

13-11-13, 07:37
Absolutely Honeylove I agree :winks:

13-11-13, 11:35
Dang! Sorry to hear about the fracture and yes, it's excruciatingly painful. All of what you say is par for the course unfortunately and you'll have to ride it out.

As one who knows pain, I can tell you to go ahead and take the pain meds. Nothing messes with your constitution more than pain. Pain makes your anxiety worse. I don't have HA issues and I was anxious when I was in pain! You'll be fine I assure you. Make sure to also take either a stool softener or eat prunes or other food that help you go as pain meds tend to cause constipation which is not something you want to deal with in the "loo" with a tailbone fracture ;)

This is a slow injury to heal so expect it to cause you discomfort for a long time. Know that it's the injury and nothing else Ok?

Feel Better!

13-11-13, 12:02
Dang! Sorry to hear about the fracture and yes, it's excruciatingly painful. All of what you say is par for the course unfortunately and you'll have to ride it out.

As one who knows pain, I can tell you to go ahead and take the pain meds. Nothing messes with your constitution more than pain. Pain makes your anxiety worse. I don't have HA issues and I was anxious when I was in pain! You'll be fine I assure you. Make sure to also take either a stool softener or eat prunes or other food that help you go as pain meds tend to cause constipation which is not something you want to deal with in the "loo" with a tailbone fracture ;)

This is a slow injury to heal so expect it to cause you discomfort for a long time. Know that it's the injury and nothing else Ok?

Feel Better!

Fishmanpa, you know it really helped me there to read that when you were in pain that it made you feel anxious. I don't mean in any way that I'm glad you felt pain or anxiety! lol

What I mean is that you don't have health anxiety, and yet illness sometimes makes you feel anxious - I've been under the false impression that I shouldn't feel any anxiety when sick, that I should just be able to relax and let it all go. But of course that's not realistic! I don't know why I expected that of myself, it's just as irrational as health anxiety!

It's a better aim to feel comfortable with the anxiety that bad health can bring, it's far more achievable than to totally let go.

I've had health problems for over a year that have really impacted on my life and anxiety levels, and I've been berating myself for not being able to relax about it and let the stress go. Of course I'll feel anxious about it! But the key is to learn not to let that anxiety get out of hand, which is something I've gotten good at :)

Thanks for the little insight, I don't know why I'm so hard on myself sometimes.

13-11-13, 12:12
Fishmanpa thank you so much! I will be taking the meds now after you and Honeyloves fab advice!
Yes unfortunately it is broken but never mind something is telling me to slow down as I run three businesses and as a mum of 3 you can imagine I never stop, I constantly get told to slow down and I don't listen, well I've got no choice now after I was told to " sit down on your A...S and don't move " literally :D

13-11-13, 12:26

Absolutely! Illness, especially a serious illness or injury makes anyone anxious and scared. There'd be something wrong with you if it didn't! (or you'd be in denial). There were plenty of times when I was scared and anxious when going through what I did. You keyed in on the difference. That is not to let it get the better of you and being able to differentiate between real and imagined illness.

Every little ache and pain is NOT something serious! To live your life without "pain niggles" as you call them is unrealistic. During my battle with cancer, I took an anti-anxiety med at times. There was a period of time I went psychotic due to a severe reaction to steroids given to me to control the nausea from chemo (that was interesting let me tell you!) There were times when the side effects of treatment were so severe that I thought I was dying and felt panic and stress beyond what I thought was possible. Yet, I was able to hold onto rationality, knowing I was in good hands and only 5 minutes from the ER from where we stayed during treatment. Only once during treatment did I call the Doc on duty (at 3am mind you) and he talked me through what I was feeling and sure enough, the symptoms and consequently the panic subsided. I trusted my team of doctors (some of the best in the US) and took their advice. They helped me get through it.

It's so incredibly rare that anyone get the severe illnesses they fear. Heart issues, cancers and the other fears I see here are unfounded 99% of the time. I didn't fear what happened to me before it happened. It just happened and I dealt with it. God forbid something serious health wise happen, you'll deal with it too... what choice do you have? Earthmum fell on her ass and now she's stuck sitting on it, painful as it is... what choice does she have? (sorry Earthmum :( ) But she's dealing with it and will get better :)

What I'm seeing here recently is so encouraging. Many are seeking help and getting a grip on their anxiety and others are reaping the benefits of their success. It's great to see and I hope it continues :)

Positive thoughts and prayers.

13-11-13, 14:28
Wow fishmanpa, a great read thank you again, you are so so so right, I'm glad you are better now too....;)))

13-11-13, 15:53
Earthmum - from what Fishmanpa says it might take a while for that fracture to heal, Im sorry to hear that as it's so painful for you but Im glad that you're going to try these painkillers and hopefully they will see you through to recovery.

Fishmanpa - your words have woken something up in me today, another step along the path to my recovery, thank you. I've been living with an illness that naturally sparks anxiety because of mixed signals in my vestibular system, and I've been learning to manage the anxiety but was berating myself for not being able to vanquish it completely. Now I see that's not the answer, it's ok for me to feel this way as long as I don't let it take over. My marriage has been difficult lately, and I have not felt *able* to be sick because of my husbands reaction, so this is partly why I feel so uncomfortable being unwell and have been trying to squash down any fear or sign of illness. I see now how unhealthy that is and how unhelpful it is! What you've said will really help me, thank you x

14-11-13, 04:21
Thanks Honeylove I'm still trying to get use to this forum I could see you replied but couldn't find your post! Just realised you was on page 2...
Silly me!!!
HA is so difficult to talk about with anyone that doesn't understand even harder with a partner who is not understanding you maybe it's that they have a low tolerance level and cant be listening to it again...I don't know, that's why this is such a brilliant site,
I'm so glad I found it and having lovely people like you both instantly making me feel better i thank you...

14-11-13, 04:27
its common for people with anxiety to not like to take meds and worry about side effects
try taking half the dose ;]

14-11-13, 11:17
Thanks Hope and Love :) much appreciated!