View Full Version : My new book: How to Beat Health Anxiety

13-11-13, 09:53
After several months of hard work and perseverance I've finally managed to get my book digitally published on Amazon.

It's here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Beat-Health-Anxiety-Michael-Evans-ebook/dp/B00GMHWSDM/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1384334492&sr=8-6&keywords=beat+health+anxiety

It's called How to Beat Health Anxiety, and in it I explain the steps I took to overcome my health anxiety without resorting to anti-depressants or therapy. If you want to get an idea of how bad my health anxiety was, read my first post on this forum from 2009: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=570599#post570599

It's not a long book, but I hope that it will be extremely helpful to anyone who buys it. My aim is to help as many people as possible to beat their health anxiety and start living their normal lives again. I have broken down the methods I used into 10 individual steps.

If you do buy the book then you are given the option to review it at the end. If you could be kind enough to leave a review on Amazon I would be extremely grateful for this.

To get the book you need a PC, tablet, kindle or a smartphone - simply download the free kindle reading app, then when you order the book it will automatically be downloaded for reading.

Any problems let me know - I sincerely hope that this book will help you cure your health anxiety once and for all.


13-11-13, 10:49
Hi Skippy will be buying your book today thanks:)

13-11-13, 10:53
Hi Skippy

I don't have health anxiety but I have noticed how amazing your posts are with constructive fab advice and insight.

I wish you all the luck with your book-you deserve it.

13-11-13, 11:30
Hi Skippy, will be buying later. Thanks

13-11-13, 12:13
@simi, @willous1 - Thank you, hope it helps.
@Kells81 - Thank you.

13-11-13, 12:13
Great work Skippy - I've never had HA but I hope it will be useful to those that do.

13-11-13, 12:28
Congrats of finishing and publishing the book Skippy. I will be checking it out for sure!

Best wishes on success!

13-11-13, 12:37

As a writer myself I want to say a big, big congratulations - writing a book is a huge undertaking and when it is on such a personal subject, it is a very daunting task.

Although I am benefiting from therapy, I will buy your book as if it's anything like your posts here, it will be awesome.

Congratulations again

13-11-13, 12:52
@Brunette, @Fishmanpa - thanks for your kind comments
@katesa - thanks, glad that the therapy is helping you. The writing and publishing process was very daunting but if the book can help just one person rid themselves of the health anxiety that plagued me for 8 years, the satisfaction I would get from that will be immeasurable.

13-11-13, 14:39
Hay Skippy. Great to hear you're doing well. Congrats on the book.

Best of luck.

13-11-13, 15:14
Thanks Eyji, how are you doing?

13-11-13, 15:54
Skippy, this is awesome! Changing your challenge into something so positive, and into something that will help others, is such a wonderful thing to do.

I'm delighted for you, will check out the book now :)

Wishing you all the best with it! X

13-11-13, 18:54
Thanks HoneyLove, I hope it helps you.

13-11-13, 20:00
Thanks Eyji, how are you doing?

I'm actually doing quite well right now. I'm (almost) drug free as of now and working on my every fear. Most days are very good but I still have my bouts of anxiety.

And you? Doing good I suppose :)

13-11-13, 20:22
Yeah, it's weird because I still get the odd symptom from time to time but I no longer get the anxiety along with it. I no longer catastrophise and I can look at the symptoms rationally, something I could never do before.

Great to hear that you're almost drug free, and bouts of anxiety are going to happen initially - the key is to face them head on & accept them - but you don't need me to tell you that!

Keep up the good work.

13-11-13, 20:50
Hi skippy I am in the middle of reading your book and I can honestly say I am enjoying it I love how it's written in laymens terms so to speak well it's written in a way I can understand. I have a book my therapist told me to buy call the happiness trap but it's so intellectual I can't get into it have you read that one? I truely believe your book will help me so thank you and congratulations xx

13-11-13, 21:06
Skippy I just read your first post as you suggested (my husband is in Hong Kong on business and my cold-suffering baby is keeping me housebound so I have way too much time on my hands) and I'm sorry but I LOL'd for real -

"Docs all think I'm a hypochondriac and they're right. Problem is, how to f***ing cure it????? And will that cure the symptoms - I don't f***ing think so?"

You were a real character even then, and perfectly summed up HA in your very first post in 2 sentences! Good lord, that quote should go on the sleeve of your book.

13-11-13, 22:59
Hi skippy I am in the middle of reading your book and I can honestly say I am enjoying it I love how it's written in laymens terms so to speak well it's written in a way I can understand. I have a book my therapist told me to buy call the happiness trap but it's so intellectual I can't get into it have you read that one? I truely believe your book will help me so thank you and congratulations xx

Kat, thank you so much for your positive feedback and even more so for the 5 star review you have left on Amazon (I assume that was you). It means a great deal to me and I sincerely hope that the book helps you.


---------- Post added at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:56 ----------

Skippy I just read your first post as you suggested (my husband is in Hong Kong on business and my cold-suffering baby is keeping me housebound so I have way too much time on my hands) and I'm sorry but I LOL'd for real -

"Docs all think I'm a hypochondriac and they're right. Problem is, how to f***ing cure it????? And will that cure the symptoms - I don't f***ing think so?"

You were a real character even then, and perfectly summed up HA in your very first post in 2 sentences! Good lord, that quote should go on the sleeve of your book.

Haha I cringe when I read those old posts, I was in a dark place back then but thankfully I found the way out.

Hope your baby's cold gets better soon, I know how tough that can be when you just have to basically watch them ride it out (and getting almost no sleep in the process).

13-11-13, 23:05
Kat, thank you so much for your positive feedback and even more so for the 5 star review you have left on Amazon (I assume that was you). It means a great deal to me and I sincerely hope that the book helps you.


---------- Post added at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:56 ----------

Haha I cringe when I read those old posts, I was in a dark place back then but thankfully I found the way out.

Hope your baby's cold gets better soon, I know how tough that can be when you just have to basically watch them ride it out (and getting almost no sleep in the process).

Thank you, It's fun and games for sure!

Looking forward to reading your book just as soon as I can get the app downloaded (I've learned that smartphones are only as smart as the person using them)

13-11-13, 23:20
Well done :) I haven't been on the forums long but your posts have already helped me gain some ideas and insights into my anxiety, I will be buying your book! :D

14-11-13, 09:05
Yes it was me I read the whole book last night and it got me thinking in the right frame of mind I've still got along way to go thought. Thank you x

14-11-13, 09:41
Yes it was me I read the whole book last night and it got me thinking in the right frame of mind I've still got along way to go thought. Thank you x

Best to tackle it step by step Kat. You will get there.

14-11-13, 12:35
Skippy your book is great, read it last night, I have had H.A on and off for many years, not good at the moment, as having a knee replacement in January. Your book came at the right time, I needed a kick up the bum,and reading it has helped me put things into perspective.Many thanks Simi

14-11-13, 14:42
Bumping to keep on front page. Because the people need to know! ;-)

14-11-13, 15:44
Skippy your book is great, read it last night, I have had H.A on and off for many years, not good at the moment, as having a knee replacement in January. Your book came at the right time, I needed a kick up the bum,and reading it has helped me put things into perspective.Many thanks Simi

Thanks Kate & Gina.

Simi, thanks for the great feedback. Could you possibly do me a HUGE favour and leave a review of the book on Amazon? It should give you the option to do this after the last page of the book, or if not you can do it by clicking 'Leave a review' on this page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Beat-Health-Anxiety-Michael-Evans-ebook/dp/B00GMHWSDM/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1384443782&sr=8-5&keywords=beat+health+anxiety

Thanks again,


14-11-13, 16:56
Will do Simi:)

16-11-13, 07:50
Thanks Simi

22-11-13, 14:26
Skippy, please ignore the PM I sent you - I got my answer looking at your previous posts.

Guys, I bought this book and am going to post my amazon review here, just on the off-chance that it encourages anybody to go check it out -

"Could be the "EasyWay" of the Health Anxiety world....

That's a big claim right? But bear with me and I'll justify it.

Like this author, when Allen Carr wrote "The Easyway to stop smoking", he had never written a book before. He freely admitted that he wasn't a doctor, or a professional - just someone who had been there and fought the same battle as the people he wrote the book for. Now, all these years later, "Easyway" is known as the definitive book on smoking cessation and has helped countless people kick the habit.

So, do I really think this book has the potential to do the same for health anxiety sufferers? In a word, YES. There is however a caveat to that statement, which I will get to later.

Like Carr, this author also freely admits he is not a professional. He's just a person that was once crippled with health anxiety who found a way out of it and wants to share it with other sufferers.

What this inexperienced author has achieved is a wonderfully concise, to the point and jargon free book that I genuinely believe can help anyone who reads it with an open mind.

Thought provoking, refreshingly void of psychobabble, and at times humorously self deprecating, everyone with health anxiety will be able to identify with this book. Don't be put off if you are undergoing therapy or taking medication - use this book in addition. The method within it is flawless and I hope that it reaches many, many people in the same way that "Easyway" did.

Which brings me back to my aforementioned caveat; "Easyway" became such a success only because people shared it. A smoker read it, found it helped them, and encouraged other smokers to read it.

This books message will only reach the masses if Health Anxiety sufferers do the same. So, if you find it helpful (which you will if you read it with an open mind) then tell people. Spread the word. Help get the message in this excellent book - written by a sufferer, for sufferers - heard.

As both a writer and somebody recovering from Health Anxiety, I can not recommend this book enough."

22-11-13, 14:50
WOW, thank you - I really appreciate this Kate.

27-11-13, 20:38
Just downloaded it :)

27-11-13, 20:48
Just downloaded kindle onto my phone ready for when I can buy this on Friday. Will leave a review then.

28-11-13, 09:06
Thanks Hypo and Willous. The reviews are REALLY appreciated as they help the book get further up the 'health anxiety' list on Amazon (currently at number 3!)

12-12-13, 20:50
Just bought this book and read it and it's a must read. I have learnt a lot. Thank you Skippy.

Oh and have left a review.

13-12-13, 08:23
I didn't realise how bad you were skippy. From a selfish point if view it gives me so much hope.

13-12-13, 10:52
I remember quite a while ago when you mentioned you were writing a book on one of my posts. Now it's here! and I will be definitely buying it.
Congratulations on the book :)

14-12-13, 10:20
RVP - thanks, I think you in particular would benefit from it as your posts sound very similar to mine from a few years ago.

Willous - First, thank you so much for the review. The Amazon reviews are the most important thing to any author as it is what gives the book more visibility on the Amazon website. I'm up to 5 now, all 5-star and it's absolutely fantastic - my book is now number 3 for 'health anxiety' so thank you again, and to anyone else who has kindly left me a review.

Secondly yes I was in a very bad place and the fact that I am now completely better should give you the motivation you need to get yourself better. I sincerely hope the book helps you do this. It's not easy to change your mindset but when you manage this you will start to see amazing results.

14-12-13, 12:30
Hi skippy,

I was wondering I'm on an iPad and is your book going to be on iBooks anytime soon?

14-12-13, 14:10
Tinker, I have an iphone and you can download a kindle app and download straight to it from Amazon.

14-12-13, 23:24
Congratulation on your success.

So maybe I'm a little challenged........I can read it on my pc? I don't have a kindle or anything like that. Can't get it in book form? Thanks.


15-12-13, 00:34
Great book Skippy!

16-12-13, 13:46
Tinker28 - you can download the iPad Kindle app (it's free) here: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/kindle/id302584613

xBettyBoopx - You just need the free Kindle reading app on your PC, you can download it free from Amazon here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/feature.html/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1?ie=UTF8&docId=1000425503

LE - thanks for your kind feedback. If you could possibly leave me a review on the Amazon website I would be forever in your debt! Just click the following link then click 'Create your own review': http://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/B00GMHWSDM/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1
