View Full Version : Anxiety question paranoia please answer

13-11-13, 15:30
Please I'll be grateful if you help me answering this...
I have always suffered from lack of confidence in people, in my teenage years I didnt go out because I was so afraid people will judge me, hurt me, or do me something bad. I always felt like wherever I go something bad is going to happen... Sometimes I thought of conspiracies but never thought things could control my mind... Now a days ago I read a story including spies and police and stuff.. I cant get it out of my head, Im afraid I become again like I used to be when I was younger always inside and never going out, or fearing people. PS: I ams till going out but always feeling anxious and not ok at all... I am not afraid someone is after me, I am afraid of becoming someone who thinks like this.. I dont want to become paranoid. . Sometimes I say paranoid people have a large imagination of really logical things ... So what would stop me developing this? Since they logically see things.. Im scared, do anxious people have paranoid related thoughts? Or is it me? I rarely stumble upon something in anxiety forums saying there is fear of paranoia, or conspiracies, stuff like that... Thank you so much

13-11-13, 16:31
Answered PM.

13-11-13, 16:43
I don't profess to be an expert in OCD, but I wonder whether all of these labels are that useful. When we are anxious we think all sorts of silly thoughts. Anxiety is designed to make us safe. But it is designed to make is scared ... that is its function.. To make us fight or run away. When there is no real danger, our minds looks for danger and tries to find out why we feel like this. I think this results in an awful lot of negative thinking. Of course you are adding the additional fearful thoughts that may become paranoid.
We are so very good at frightening ourselves, and I think you are frightening yourself.
I think you are anxious, you have a GAD, and that's all there is to it.
Stick with dealing with that without loading yourself up with another load of issues. Give yourself a break.
When the anxiety abates you will not think that way. Anxiety makes us frightened and screws with our thoughts. Keep practising on dealing with your anxiety. Keep it simple.

14-11-13, 11:38
Thank you Rennie I read it

---------- Post added at 13:38 ---------- Previous post was at 13:38 ----------

Thanks alot Phil it feels great to know I'm not paranoid, especially that Im a very sociable person who loves to talk to people and do stuff

14-11-13, 12:33
I don't profess to be an expert in OCD, but I wonder whether all of these labels are that useful. When we are anxious we think all sorts of silly thoughts. Anxiety is designed to make us safe. But it is designed to make is scared ... that is its function.. To make us fight or run away. When there is no real danger, our minds looks for danger and tries to find out why we feel like this. I think this results in an awful lot of negative thinking. Of course you are adding the additional fearful thoughts that may become paranoid.
We are so very good at frightening ourselves, and I think you are frightening yourself.
I think you are anxious, you have a GAD, and that's all there is to it.
Stick with dealing with that without loading yourself up with another load of issues. Give yourself a break.
When the anxiety abates you will not think that way. Anxiety makes us frightened and screws with our thoughts. Keep practising on dealing with your anxiety. Keep it simple.

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