View Full Version : Tough time

13-11-13, 18:02
I haven't had a full panic attack in over 3 months and have been much stronger lately, but a week ago I moved house and have already had problems with the boiler etc, and all the upheaval and uncertainty had sent my anxiety through the roof. I'm scared about going back to work next week cause I work in a busy city centre shop that's only getting busier because of Christmas.

Worst of all, I'm scared I'm annoying my girlfriend. I know I'm probably paranoid because she's the most wonderful supportive person, and as we're long distance I'm probably misinterpreting her replies but I'm scarce she's just getting sick of all my fear and panic and irrational thoughts. I love her so much and just need her so bad.

13-11-13, 18:18
Hey! You have the exact same situation as me. I have recently bought a flat, which had boiler problems, amongst others, and my anxiety has returned with a vengeance.

Try not to worry too much about going back to work, however I am on the exact same boat as you so would welcome others' opinions!

I don't know what to do to relax at the moment, watching TV kind of helps but my Mum is over visiting me in the new flat for a week and I have never felt so stressed for so long. She is really stressing me out to the point where I'm feeling anxious, muscle twitching, feeling sick and upset. I am back at work next week too and dreading it as I left work last week on a high.

However, I can recommend not to anticipate the feelings of going back to work negatively. It will do you good, as I find sitting in the flat where I can see problems are a major stress. Can your girlfriend come and visit you? My boyfriend has stood by me through depression and anxiety in the past, don't worry, your girlfriend will empathise with your situation at the moment, try not to get paranoid.

Milk x